View Full Version : Peri menopause constant bleeding - ladies please

26-07-09, 20:13
I am 2 yrs into peri meno hell and am either going up to 5 months period free or bleeding for months on end. Had all the tests twice last time a month ago when I had hysteroscopy with biopsy, ultrasound, mri scan of pelvis and abdomen and bloods inc CA125 and only finding was benign ovarian cyst.
I was offered either mirena coil or hysterectomy!
I do not want to do synthetic hormones but am about to try natural progesterone cream from a private Dr.
I have been bleeding constantly apart from one 11 day break since easter - amazingly up to now I have not got anaemic but last two weeks have been heavy and flooding which scares me. I am going back to GP tomorrow to get iron levels checked.
I do not want to take the synthetic progesterone pill that you can take to stop the bleeding as its not a cure just a pause but getting in such a panic about the blood loss.
We are also moving house hopefully in a few weeks so talk about stressful.
I feel very alone with this problem and would love to share with any other poor woman who is experiencing same or similar.

27-07-09, 16:50
I am not experiencing the same but I have a friend who is 43 who is. She had no idea until she tried to have a baby. Anyhow, she uses bioidentical progestrone and it has really helped her. Progestrone will help you to get regulated! Give it a go. How old are you? Let us know how you are holding up.

14-05-13, 03:27
I am 51 and for the last year my periods have been irregular . I bleed very heavy with large clots and It scares me very much , when I had insurance the doctors did blood tests and pelvic exams and said everything was normal .... I am just so scared I have no one to talk to and I don't know how long this will last .