View Full Version : weird head sensations!

25-09-05, 14:17
Hi all,

I haev been positing quite a bit over the last few days... I think my anxiety hs came to a head again over this last week.

I suffer a lot of different head symptoms and I am getting worried again. They are like a buzzing head which feel hot in places and I have had feelings of hotness running through my head. I have had these symptoms before so they are not new but I just wish I knew what was causing them. I have been thinking, stroke, brain tumour, blood clot, problems with my head or spine...

I think I am worrying more than usual about these symptoms as my friend told me yesterday that her friend from works husband died during the week of a brain tumour very suddenly. When i hear such things I start the worrying....

I know I have had a MRI and more recently I saw a headache specialist and he thinks my symptoms are emotional based and once I sort these with therapy they will disappear.

I am just finding it difficult to stop the worrying that there is something more sinister going on. I think because I keep getting crunching and squeezing feelings in my head too as well as funny tastes and a fuzzy tongue, tingling hands, feet, weak arms etc. I just feel from the neck upwards there is something not right.

IS this just normal stress/anxiety symptoms?


25-09-05, 14:40
Hi Sadie

I had the head problem aswell as everthing else to go with anxiety YES it is normal to have this my head was tingling quite alot and i had pain just above my eyes sometimes it would last all day. The other symptoms you have seam to be anxiety i to worried there was something wrong with me but it is all part of it.

Try not to worry to much

take care


25-09-05, 15:47
Hi Sadie,
I am not going to be of much help here, but, i have exactly the same as you describe with the most awful dizziness too!! I still can't convince myself it it 'just' anxiety, but as it eases at different times (then other symptoms appear) i guess it is stress otherwise it would be there continually and would probably get steadily worse!!!Hope some of this makes sense take care xxxxx

25-09-05, 16:07
Hi Sadie,

My problems are all head related too, like I get ringing in the ears and like little shocks going off all sorts!

And also the dizziness too, so you really aren't alone here.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression

25-09-05, 16:19
Thanks everyone,

The symptoms do come and go throughout the day so I guess if they were something serious they would be here all the time?

Its so difficult to put all symptoms down to anxiety... I just cant get my head round this at times. There seems to be no end to the amount and types of symptoms it can give you.

Take care


25-09-05, 16:27
Yes I know Sadie!

I agree sometime you have to think there has to be something else wrong, but I guess there isn't really!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression

25-09-05, 22:46
Hi Sadie,

Your symptoms are ones I have had in recent months. I convinced myself all sorts of things were wrong with me. Trust me my list was similiar to yours and had some others as well, but the symptoms you have described have now eased with me, as I have become less anxious.

I truely believe, everything you listed is on that very long list of anxiety symptoms, but when you have these symptoms they are very real and mind over matter is not always easy.

The news a friend told you yesterday is probably just exasperating things, as you were already anxious.

Do try to not worry too much.

Hope you have got a good night's sleep.

Take care


01-10-05, 15:24
This soundds like something I keep getting too. I get really itchy and tingly around my head, it feels really weird.

I don't get dizzy so much at the moment, my symptoms seem to go in phases. So I guess it must be anixety, it doesn't feel nice though.

03-06-08, 22:29
I can relate Sadie, had exactly the same sensations.

Hope you are over this.

All the best.

03-06-08, 23:23
These sensations get worse with changes in my medication either up or down. As my body adjusts to the new dosage, the symptoms seem to get better.

23-06-08, 11:12
Hi everyone,

Im new here so this is my first post. I have been suffering with anxiety for past 15 months. Mine came about as a result of an inner ear problem where my balance was off and i was suffering severe lightheadedness. I had this for 8 months and went through absolute misery. Whats happened with me is that as these symptoms have dispersed i now seem to be left with lots of head related symptoms, similar to a lot already mentioned on here. I have learnt to accept a lot of my symptoms as anxiety related, as i was worrying so much in those first 8 months that there was something seriously wrong with me, but i had MRI scan and saw various specialists who reassured me that nothing bad is causing it all.

I can sympathise with everyone here as i know how much worrying about something can add to your symptoms. Because of these head symptoms which i get on a daily basis, i am constantly living in fear that something is going to happen to me, even though i keep being told its all anxiety, even my CBT therapist (which i never thought i would be seeing at this stage of my life) tells me its all anxiety.

Symptoms i get include itchy scalp, sore scalp, burning sensations around back of head, head zaps (especially when trying to fall asleep), pressure feeling around temples to back of head, neck pain, disorientation when moving head from side to side, chronic stiffness at back of skull, cold water sensations all around head (feels like when water touches your skin), many visionery symptoms including floaters, itchy eyes, eye pain, watery eyes, just generally feel my vision has detoriated since the dizzyness began. I also work on computers so this is not helping my symptoms one bit, in fact most of my symptoms occur while at work which makes it extemely hard to do my job now, im even thinking of changing my career as im fed up of feeling lousy everyday at work!

Like many of you, i have never accepted all of this as anxiety, 15 months ago i used to have a great life, playing football, going to gym, out all the time with friends, now i feel like everything is slipping away and i cant control my ife anymore. I think the desperation and frustration we feel bacause we can't do the things we used to do just adds to the anxiety.

I feel totally depressed bacause of all the symptoms and i hate it when doctors say its all just anxiety, i am only suffering from anxiety bacause of my symptoms and lack of understanding from doctors about whats going on with me.

Anyway sorry for going on, just wanted you all to know i can totally relate to how you are feeling. Just try and stay positive and hang in there, you have to keep believing that one day we will all be fully recovered, and get through this debilitating problem! Look forward hearing from you all.

21-02-09, 21:37
Hello I am new here, for the past 3 weeks been getting headaches type pains in different parts of the head and just don't feel well, been to the doctor every week and she says it stress, nothing makes these weird pains go away she has put me on Amitriptylne and diazepam.
I first started getting these odd pains in November last year ans they came back again in February I am very frightened as my tee.nage nephew has a tumor in his head.
The stress of the head pains are making my worry worse.
Please please help as I don't feel at all like my oldself and frightened I am going to leave my 2 young children

19-05-09, 21:38
I get this same things !!One time I got a little bit of a different one where my face went numb and it felt like my head went blank. But as far as my usual ones the heat sensations in the head or the "shocks" I was talking to smoeone and they said think of it like this have you ever heard about someone dying suddenly that you were close to and you get that horrible shock throughout your body... (thats fear) or how about when you are going to be late for work and you get that bad feeling in your body that maybe you could get fired etc.. thats fear too and so are the head sensations. Its like an adrenaline rush in your head... or if a cop has been following you and he turns his blues on its the same feeling btu its more intense because you feel it in your brain. Because I think like this I can deal with them much better! and they are ATTACKS because they come outta no where just like an ATTACK (so anxiety attck definition works!) so everyone don't worry!

BUT has anyone gotten foggy, blurry, seeing halos, white lights, or sensative to bright lights??

19-05-09, 22:04
I have Laney, ive only had these symptoms recently and they are so scary.
To the point where ive had to speak to a health professional over the phone tonight.
Ive been suffering from a painless headache but theres increased pressure and ever so slight numbness in my right side of my face.
Is this a common symptom when anxiety has been apparent for the past week and is calming down? I feel quite normal today but this is my only worry especially as my current health anxiety fear is brain tumour or anerism?

29-05-09, 16:21
i have funny heads my head feels like its going 2 explode it really scary and i have fuzzy eyes. my eyes dont feel real my body feels weird its a nasty feeling

30-05-09, 19:35
WOW! I just happened to do a google search and this site came up. I have "anxiety disorder" and have been having a bad bout of it lately. The past few days I have been having what I could only call a "foggy head." Something just doesn't feel right. It feels kind of like it's buzzing and my eyes feel weird too. I keep thinking am I going to pass out or what. It feels like I chugged a bunch of night time medicine or something. I am comforted to see that I am not the only one. I have had anxiety for almost three years now but this was a new symptom. I wonder what the cause is. Also, I used to take meds for my anxiety but did not find relief and actually felt worse on them so I stopped taking them a couple years ago. My anxiety improved, but lately it has resurfaced with a vengeance and now my doc is trying to put me on Zoloft. I would rather a more natural approach. Does anyone have any suggestions that they have tried and found works?? Thanks!!:scared15:

30-09-09, 22:50
I had a nervous breakdown about three months ago, and one of the results is that I have weird head feelings.

In the two weeks or so after the breakdown, the head feelings felt like this

As though a hand had slipped itself under my skull and gently stroked my mind a couple of times. Though the action was gentle, its effect felt malicious: "there there... yes, that's it, start panicking - yes go on, that's it - lovely, that's it: panic"
It sometimes felt like the sudden slither of a snake across my mind.These gentle yet deeply unwelcome sensations got less frequent the further away from the breakdown I got.

Now, I get the following, especially when I'm tired (e.g. the end of the working day):

It feels as though the inside of my head - more specifically, my mind - is buzzing. It's as though there's a buzzing refrigerator or strip light in my head.
It's accompanied by a warm, rising feeling inside my head - like a souffle in an oven.
When I'm feeling anxious, it feels as though something is physically wriggling in my head, usually in a specific part. It's as though something is tossing and turning a couple of times in there. It's incredibly distracting, and increases the anxiety.
The sudden 'zaps' inside the head that people have been talking aboutNone of the feelings are painful - just incredibly distracting and bloody annoying.

Sleep definitely clears my head of these feelings, so I do think they're partly related to tiredness - I am forty-one, and have been living far too busy a life for years. I think my nervous breakdown (and the post-breakdown anxiety) was a warning for me to stop burning the candle at both ends. I am forcing myself to turn down social invites so that I am staying in more than going out - not out of any agoraphobia, just deliberately trying to have one night out, two nights off. I can't work and play so hard any more - my body wants me to slow down! This is how I interpert the whole anxiety thing.

I do have another element to the anxiety, apart from the horrible head feelings, which are actually more worrying - the existential terror thing. But that stuff is so terrifying, I have to just think about something fun and trivial to try and block it out. Don't even want to write about it in case it gets people panicking! LOL, it's all so ridiculous, really - what's it all about?!

17-10-09, 17:03
i also get these type of sensations along with pressure points in different areas at different times of the day

just had my hair cut and the buzzing from the razor seems to be buzzing through my head just now

its a case of if my head was clear id be fine


17-10-09, 20:00

I can relate to you as I get them all the time and so so so wish they would go away as they scare me. I do know they rae anxiety related but how come I get them when I am not anxious? Perhaps I think I am NOT anxious but I am? I am so confused and fed up.

Hope you are all OK?


19-10-09, 13:13
I feel my pulse at top of head is that normal?

19-10-09, 14:53
:hugs:hi i have just been scrolling thro posts because i am scared to do anything else at the moment:weep:
At 5-00am i woke up feeling giddy and have been all day i rang my doc and she said anxiety (of course) but it is the awful stomach churning type of giddiness.:weep:
The pulse at the top of yoru head - does it feel as tho someone is gentle pulling your hair??:blush:

19-10-09, 16:21
no it feels like my blood is pumping strongly there -

15-05-11, 17:59
hi I get these wierd head sensations to they can be really scarey, in fact i have struggled with the same problem today and have been on the verge of a full blown panic attach, but i seem to be calming down now


17-05-11, 20:50
Hi, i get these too.. at the moment its like a pressure around my temples, a slight tightness but not like iv had before, but iv got a numbness with it.. its very unnerving :( iv had a good weekend so i dont understand it.. iv been much better.. or so i thought, but i guess it just lingers in ur subconscious when youve had it for so long.. and everyday!! its automatic :( xx

18-05-11, 08:17
Think you should read my post with this link attached.http://www.gjmurphydds.com/tmd.html

15-07-11, 04:15
wow its so crazy to read all this ive had these same things happen to me...werid feeling in ur head like its going to explode like pressure i get a werid tingly to and like a muscle spasm kinda its weriddd i for sure feel it more when im layin on my tummy and my head is pushed back and i sit up i feel bad pressure and i also have eye floaters..but every doc i ve been to have told me anxiety or vertigo ughhh all this has changed my life i hate it!! never thought i would feel this way at 23