View Full Version : Night anxiety. Trembling/stomach churning

25-09-05, 14:53
Hi everyone..

have a few off weeks lately, finding myself getting anxious doing the little things which i had been aboe to manage a lot better

last night i stayed over at a friends and was awake nearly the whole night,with anxiety. Trembling and getting that hot rush go all over my body, feeling sick and the worst bit was the awful noise in my lower stomach.. grumbling and churning so loudly, which only started when the panic did and stopped as i calmed.. does any1 else have this??

Its because i knew i couldnt get up and leave when i wanted to. i didnt have my car, and usually i drive everywhere so i can escape home if i really need too.
i tried convincing myself the only reason this was happening was because i couldnt leave but i still lay there all night with my stomach talking and trembling like id been sat in the fridge!
Annoying thing is,i got home and it all sorted and i felt fine!! Grrr so annoying, if i can feel fine when i get home, why cant i feel fine there, i knew i was safe and i was telling myself all the positives and not making myself worse.. but i still couldnt stop it!

any ideas and techniques i can try?

thanks xx

25-09-05, 16:28
Hi Bubblestar

Well done for figuring out what it was and sticking it out...

If you were to stay there again and again it would improve. Its just your bodys way of showings its unease and shoving out some tummy acid which stimulates the whole bowel into thinking there is food coming..

Next time pack a picnic midnight feast along with something to read and a walkman and earphones.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?