View Full Version : help jsut check blood cholersterol very high 11.2

27-07-09, 04:45
i am so scared just got my result it is so high blood cholesterol hlep me, i am now force to take medication and what can i do to lower it down, can it be cured? i hate taking medication?

27-07-09, 08:19
Unfortunately, you may be one of the people for whoem diet alone will not lower cholesterol.

My Mom is very fit for her age, walks loads, eats a very low fat diet, is at the lower end of a healthy weight but her cholesterol reading was originally over 7.

She very reluctantly started taking Statins and very quickly her cholesterol dropped to below 5.

Has your GP suggested changing your diet in anyway?


27-07-09, 09:39
last 3 mths, i took my cholesterol it is good, normal before normal, and it's good reading, suddenly 3mths later it shoot up to 6.42ml so scary, why is it happening? can it be lowered without taking medication, meangn i just
control my diet and food, will i be okay, fine?

is there cure for this?

why is it happening to me, iam 38yrs old and it is so sudden, last 3 mths the reading is good.

27-07-09, 09:39
is that why ia m feeling so dizzy, light headed, palapation lately? it/'s so sad, scared. why? me?

27-07-09, 11:01
Hi Alba

My Dad's cholestral was very high and now its normal. He is on medication which he will have to always take but he also watched what he ate. I think with your medication and the right diet your cholestral will come down. Oily fish is very good for you and lots of fruit and veg. Your GP should be able to help you.
High cholestral affect lots of people even those that are fit and healthy so please try not to feel its just you. There are even people out there with high cholestral and they dont even know it.
Go and have a chat with your GP

Take care:hugs:

27-07-09, 11:05
is that why ia m feeling so dizzy, light headed, palapation lately? it/'s so sad, scared. why? me?

High cholestral will not cause the symtoms you describe. The dizzy feelings and palpatations are all symptoms of anxiety because you are worrying. Try concentrating on your breathing and think of happy things, try and get your mind thinking about something else.

27-07-09, 13:32
Dont worry too much about your cholesterol count......the important bit is the blood lipids and their ratio.......... good cholesterol is vital to the body..LDL (bad cholesterol) is the one to watch because this is the one that can oxidise and stick to the arteries......... eat stacks of antioxident food ( bright colours)NONI is a good supplement too ( its concentrated fruit).......dont stuff yourself on creamcakes LOL......try to sort out your cholesterol before submitting to statins as they block coenzymeQ10 which is important for every cell in the body.......good luck xx

28-07-09, 00:58
thanks my total cholesterol is 6.2 i heard ppl say u can drop dead with high cholesterol, but i check mine 3 mths ago it is 3.02 how come 3 mths it went up so high, i am really scared, i can't eat, sleep anymore, i am so worried.i am trying not to take medicaton , is it okay, has anyone tried not taking medication and watch the diet? i am trying to cut oily, fried food at this moment, i hope to bring it down, so i don't want to be on medication, if i take medciation can i stop when it is better,. i am confused, i know high cholesterol is a heart diease, am i right, no wonderi can't breathe for 2 weeks. and i feel out of breathe. and heart beating fast. now i am so so feelling so useless, hey i got high cholesterol.

28-07-09, 07:22
mine reading: total cholesterol: 6.20mmol/L


28-07-09, 12:32
Please try to stop panicing about you cholesterol levels. They are not desperately high and in the first instance the Dr may want you to change your diet and try to reduce it that way. High cholesterol is not a heart disease...it is just better for your heart to lower it as much as possible. Statins can be given to do this if diet does not work, they really are pretty safe and it depends what you worry about most, your cholesterol level and heart health or taking statins! You should seek advice from medical people who will explain it all carefully to you. You are NOT going to die because you have a slightly elevated cholesterol reading. Honestly!!

29-07-09, 02:09
according to my friend her's also high cholesterol, doc force her to take zocor, saying she can die any moment, so i am scared, i don't want to take zocor, so do u think i will suriviive if i control myfood, drink more water, becos i know i am dehydrated, not eating well, i try for 2mths to eat better, i eat too much donuts, and cakes, nn coffee, and rice. i guess it contributed and also i am taking norethisterone medications. i guess will i survive?thanks. i am scared.. i worry too much, now i feel a bit dizzy and light headed, as i am doing my work in office.could it be beocs of my high cholesteral

29-07-09, 17:07
No it is caused by anxiety Alba .Did you have a fasting blood check for your cholesterol levels? You just need to avoid animal fats ,dairy products and cakes and pastries .Boil or bake instead of fry,..Your levels will come down and you wont need to take the drugs for long .Please stop worrying about it . Suex

30-07-09, 03:54
has anyone taken Valsartan tablet, (becos i keep complianing to doctor, soemtimes my heart beating fast and my bp raise and i feel dizzy, panic, so she gave me this, my itcy mouth, i should just keep quiet, she say this is to protect yr kidney, but it looks scary, i feel like i want to stop taking all this
medication, i just want to take care of my food, do u think i will be okay i fi stop the medication and just focus on my health and food i eat?

i am so scared abt this high cholesterol last 3months it's ok onlynowit shoots up so high. i don't want to be sick all the time, i tired of being sick.

now i feel so light headed, sore throat and stuff nose.+ my worries abt cholesterol , is there anybody tat don't take medication but recover by proper diet?they say if u don't take medciaton u have stroke or heart attck,