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27-07-09, 08:33
Hi All,

I have this pain / heavy feeling exactly where my heart is. Could it be trapped wind right there???

I went to the doctor in November as I think I suffered from an anxiety / panic attack which I had never experienced before. It really scared me as I had pains where my heart is. I had an ECG, urine and blood tests done and all was fine. I then had a 24 hour ECG machine fitted to me which I carried around with me for the duration. Again all was apparently fine.

I have had loads of symptoms since then, i.e. pains in my left arm and hand, light headedness and chest pains.

The chest pain and heavy feeling came back yesterday right where my heart is and has started again today, I don't think it could be trapped wind right where my heart is?

Please could someone explain these pains and heavy feelings to me as they are slowly starting to worry me again and also why am I experiencing these symptoms even though I do not feel anxious at all.

Many thanks for your help!


27-07-09, 08:39
Hiya matt

it is aniexty i went to doc with same thing thought i had pulled a muscle in me chest then when it wasnt that i imagined i had everything..try to relax

27-07-09, 08:41
Hi Matt

Since you have been checked out, it does sound like it's probably anxiety.

To give you some idea, my symptoms where:

Tight chest
Feels like a weight on my chest and laboured breathing
tingles all over my arms fingers and body
Shooting pains all over
Shooting pain in the chest/heart area
A light headed feeling
Head pressue
A feeling of "nerves" and feeling shaky

And these were just the physical symptoms

Also when you are anxious, your stomach churns over so it could be wind too.

Be aware though, the more you worry it is something other than just plain old anxiety, the more your mind will signal to your body, and the more these anxiety causing (and harmless) chemicals will be released into your bloodstream causing these symptoms.

I always found a bit of exercise helped to reduce them.



27-07-09, 13:36
Hi there

Just to say that i once read that the heart does not have acutaly pain recepters in it, so if your heart was playing up it would not be the heart itself that is painfull. Thats why heart attack causes radiating chest pain and not pain directly in the heart area. This is true so dont worry about your heart. You describe anxiety symptoms definately and the chest painsounds very much like indigestion/ reflux brought on by adrenaline.
