View Full Version : Chest CT Scan

27-07-09, 10:17
I'm just back from having a CT scan and my anxiety levels are so high. The procedure was ok but i keep thinking about the results, the waiting going to be hell and it's difficult to remain positive and i keep thinking the worst:unsure:

Since having my gallbladder out on 30th June and then getting an infection where my gallbladder was that put me in hospital for a week...today is the first day i can say i feel really well......apart from the anxiety i'm now feeling after this scan:blush:

Does anyone have any words that could help calm me down?


Trish x

27-07-09, 17:58
Hello Trish.
Sorry to hear you are worrying over your CT scan results.
I know it is easy for me to say but just try to be positive and just think even if there was something wrong (which I am sure there is not) then the doctors can fix it.

How long do you have to wait for a result?

Also if you don't mind me asking what problems were you having for you to be referred for a chest scan? x

27-07-09, 18:24
Hi Cassy

Thank you for your reply.

I suffer asthma and all that goes with it at times i.e chest infections, and although i'm embrassed to say i also smoke:blush: My GP thinks i may have COPD and sent me to see a consultant and it was him who requested the scan to be done.

I have been through a lot this past month and my anxiety has been through the roof.....i know what i have to do regarding the cigs, but my addiction beats me hands down everytime:blush: I'm so weak:weep: !!

I see the consultant again in 10 weeks:ohmy:

Trish x