View Full Version : Numbness

27-07-09, 10:22

Its been a while since Ive posted - I have been doing quite well, however while at my mother in laws last week had a funny episode - wasnt feeling anxious at the time, but my right arm became very heavy and felt numb although I could feel myself touching it. My head became fuzzy and my right leg was tingling. Every since then I have been terrified that I am having TIA's or a stroke (I am 34)

Any ideas - is this just anxiety or do I need to see the doc


27-07-09, 11:03
Hi Amanda

Could it have been a mini panic attack? Did you notice the tingling before or after you started to get worried about it?

I get weird shivering tingley sensations on one side of my body too sometimes and the way I see it is being an anxiety sufferer and more aware of things that happen in my body. I think that you are peicing together a picture because you mention that it is all right sided? Am i right? Well im thinkning that because your brain is divided into left and right that although strokes and things happen that way, normal functioning does too , and if there is imbalancement in your brain like with anxiety and depression then this could be felt in your body too . I read once that panic attacks are a burst of adrenaline when the is a chance of chemical balance inyour brains neurotransmitters and nothing of importance - your just super aware of it becuase of anxiety.

I hope that makes some sense to y ou

Hope your oaky


27-07-09, 13:08
Hello Amanda,

I've probably posted far too many times about numbness/tingling, but I definately get both when I'm very anxious; and also just out of the blue! I've had a CAT scan in the past and thanksfully no sign of mini strokes etc. Though I do have a trapped nerve which can sometimes aggravate things.

I always question it in my mind when I get these symptoms but, a few days ago, I realised it WAS stress/anxiety related. I was having a perfectly "normal" day then in the evening opened a letter that had some disturbing personal news - within a split second I felt my left arm go numb and my top lip and tip of my nose started to tingle - then the rapid heartbeat etc etc - grrrrr!

Lisa's reply is really interesting and hope it will be helpful to you.

Take care,

Wendy xx

27-07-09, 13:29
Thanks both for coming replying.

The odd thing about this was that I was nice and calm at the time! And this has what has concerned me. I mentioned it to my counsellor who told me to go to the docs (not a good thing for someone with HA to hear!). Do panic attacks come out of the blue - is so thats the first time its happened to me, am off to the docs on Friday for a routine BP check which my surgery makes me have ever 8 weeks so maybe I will ask the nurse

I hate this health anxiety - it makes me sad, angry and frustrated - want to go back to how I was before

27-07-09, 13:36
Yep, I'm the same as you Amanda - I was originally "just" agoraphobic but now the health anxiety has taken over - grrr. I'd love to be the me I was in the 70s lol.

When I went numb after reading my letter I was honestly very very calm and happy, I felt on top of the world. I think we must be so finely tuned to any excess adrenaline that the slightest thing acts as a trigger.

Hope all goes well with your appointment on Friday. But if you get overly worried, there wouldn't be any harm in seeing your doctor just to put your mind at rest.

Wendy xx

27-07-09, 14:08

Amanda, your counsellor is just being carefull and 'covering their back', The fact that they have advised you to see doc is no indication that you have anything wrong. They wouldnt know would they as they not a dr !

I think you might benefit from thinking through what you will get from a visit to the doctor - both positive and negative.

I know personally i get great anxiety now from the idea of having to go to the dr. I find that i do better when i havent been, but then i am seeing a psychologist who has exaplined that as far as HA goes reassurance behaviours keep the problem going and prevent us gaining back our confidence in our health. Going to the drs could be seen as a reassurance behaviour. If you go will you be satisfied with their answer if they say its nothing at all?

What if they are feeling particularly over efficient that day and decide to order the full wack of tests thinking that really its nothing but why not go through the whole process cos thats the mood they are in - and then theres you wating for results and appointments that you dont really need?

The panic attack thing does ceom out of knowwhere. If you had never had a days anxiety in your life then it might seem a bit unsual but if you have suffered for a while then youe nervous system is more likely to these odd unpredictable things.

27-07-09, 20:56
Hi there, I get similar symptoms. I was out the other day with a friend feeling quite content, then both my arms went incredibly heavy which was immediately followed by a head zap, migraine and anxiety. It's a complete nuisance, and scary the first few times it happens but i get used to it know.