View Full Version : help mornings

27-07-09, 10:41
when i wake up even before i get out of my bed i feel so anxiouse and then i get out of bed and alwys feel like i ave been run over by a bus my whole body is stiff and aches adding to my already anxiouse mind takes me hours to feel less anxiuose i am so tired of this evry day please tell mr its because of the way i am i am a total miss stress head trish xx

27-07-09, 16:45
When my anxiety was at its worst, mornings were TERRIBLE!! I would wake up throwing up tons of clear phlem. As I got dressed and on with my day, the feeling would subside. I noticed the one thing that helped me was actually sleeping at night. I had ambien prescribed to be and that made my body sleep and eventually, the mornings just got better. Also, I would wake up and turn on relaxing music and just meditate on having a good day. Stay away from caffiene on bad mornings....it will make it worse!!!!! Good luck.

27-07-09, 18:13
I think you should see your dr and explain your symptoms. There are lots of ways to deal with them but you need to find out what is causing it too. :shrug: :hugs:

27-07-09, 19:14
Hi there,

I hate mornings too. I feel really anxious and panicy. I'd suggest telling your gp too.