View Full Version : I know this is a strange thread!

27-07-09, 11:34
... but I was curious:

Does anyone else feel better after burping or going to the bathroom... (sorry it's a crude subject)

Also I know people say you should stop smoking if you have anxiety problems, but when ever I feel really on the wall I usually have a cigarette and it calms me down slightly...


27-07-09, 11:57
Being quite a strange individual i reckon i can add my 2 penneths worth.....

Sneezing and yawning is pretty good..... burping i've never really got into....

Going for a poo is very therapeutic....

Oh and smoking... it definitely calms me (psychosomatic?????)..... I've had to give up everything else so i'm keeping that vice..... for now :)

27-07-09, 12:11
Yeah i argee with the yawning, having a good stretch too. :D
Thank goodness im not the only one when it come to smoking and goign to the toilet. haha
I've got the doctors today, see if there is anything else they can do as i'm not on medication.
I got the number for a councilor but to be honest i dont feel very comfortable sharing all my problems with someone i dont know... do you think it would help?

27-07-09, 12:21
Hell don't ask me if a counsellor will work!!!!!!

In my experience getting a referral is all but impossible!!!! - When i could afford to go private i didnt have the time..... now i'm at the mercy of the NHS looks like they don't :)....

Theres a limit to how much time you can spend on the toilet every day lol

27-07-09, 12:35
I dont think its for me really.
Ach, screw it i'll see what the doctor says...

Life would be grand if we spent more time there... :)

27-07-09, 12:41
One of the great things about wireless broadband and a laptop is you can poo and post at the same time :ohmy:

27-07-09, 14:51
Haha! you know i've never even thought about that... i always put my laptop down.....

27-07-09, 15:54
Hi Laura

I have to agree with you - when I'm up against it burping helps!!!!!

27-07-09, 16:11
I agree, burping makes me feel loads better, like a release of tension or something. My family and friends have got used to it, and just find it funny now! My ex used to pretend it was him who'd done it if we were out in public, which was sweet, hehe.

Sarah xx

27-07-09, 16:53

I'm not alone! I always been a bit of a burper... but now it helps so I'm gald I am! :D


27-07-09, 20:26
I find sitting on the bog reading the Viz magazine helps me endlessly.