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View Full Version : anxiety rocketing

claire m
27-07-09, 11:56
the past couple of weeks my anxiety has rocketed nothing has changed in my life but i feel this intense pressure inside my body i cant sit still i cant concentrate and i am having to force food down as i have no appetite at all.
Im on the maximum dose of anti psychotics i can take and also on a daily dose of diazepam which to be honest doesnt really help apart from keeping my body relaxed it does nothing for my racing mind i cant even begin to tell people my thoughts as its just a blur of racing physical feelings.
I have talked to my gp alot about how i feel but the anxiety just keeps upping it game.
i know this might sound crazybut i feel like something physical has changed me.
i dont know what else to do i feel my gp has done all he can.
if i could just ease the pressure valve of my brain maybe i would feel better.
there thats my rant over with.:)

27-07-09, 22:06
Sorry that things aren't too good for you at the moment claire. I wonder if it would help you to speak with a counsellor/psychologist? Might be worth asking your doctor to refer you?

28-07-09, 12:59
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having a bad time with anxiety. I have have times when my anixety flares up and I'm unable to cope even with medication. When I feel like this I can't eat, everything I do manage to eat goes straight through me and I find it impossible to sleep or doing anything constructive. It's impossible to imagine what this feels like unless you have been through it yourself. The one thing that keeps me going is the thought that this phase of extreme anxiety will eventually pass and I will feel normal again. I hope you feel better soon.:hugs:

28-07-09, 13:06
I'm so sorry to see you suffering Claire..........maybe take a look at your med ....... look them up even .......I had to come off sertraline ( and it's not easy) because of a feeling of intense pressure in my head and body . ask you GP about this ........good luck dear xx

claire m
28-07-09, 18:25
thanks for the replies it helps alot. xxx

claire m
29-07-09, 18:06
had a really bad day so i phoned my gp in tears he was lovely and forwarded me to crisis care who were again great. have changed my pills and am now getting a cpn so hopefully things will change now.