View Full Version : Have to be a witness in Court

27-07-09, 13:16
Next Monday I have to appear in court as a witness for something that happened to my daughter 4 years ago. It's been going on for over a year now, with the "accused" using delaying tactics etc. Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone here has ever had to stand up in court and give evidence?

My worry is firstly that I'm agoraphobic and will have to travel as a passenger about 45 mins by car to the court. The other thing that's freaking me out is that I'm menopausal and have underactive thyroid which equals an atrocious memory for me!! I'm hoping and praying that when I'm asked questions that my anxiety/awful memory aren't going to confuse things in my head! I gave up all anxiety medication about 18 months ago so don't want to take that route again.

I did ring the witness support people a few months ago and asked them to let the judge/questioners know that I'm anxiety-prone so I hope they remember to do this!

I guess it's going to be just one of those things that I have to go through and whatever happens, happens!:blush:

Thanks for letting me offload on here - it does help!!


29-07-09, 00:38
Hi. I'm agrophobic and due to my medication and anxiety I have a terrible memory. I used to work in a court so I hope I can help you a little. Firstly, I would advise you to see your doctor and ask for a note to take to court explaining how your health might affect your evidence. Secondly, is there any chance of you going to see the court before next week so that you are familiar with the surroundings? The Clerk to the Court or one of the ushers should be quite happy to show you the courtroom between cases if you explain why you are there. Next - take your time. It can feel very daunting and anybody can become muddled or forgetful when questioned. If you are not sure what is being asked, ask for the question to be repeated. If you need thinking time, just say so. Do you have everything about the incident written down? If so, take that with you. Contact the witness support team again and insist on a representative being with you. Finally, remember that for all their dark suits and the paraphernalia of court, all the people present are human. I can promise you that between cases they are joking together, moaning about the coffee machine and discussing the weather. You are as worthy a person as any of them. Good luck.

30-07-09, 23:33
Hello maddie - thanks for your reply.

I have spoken again with the witness support team who assure me that it's been noted that I'm agoraphobic/anxious etc and, like you, they've said that if I find it hard to take the questions in I can ask whoever is questioning me to slow down a little! I haven't seen my doctor in over 2 years about the agoraphobia and don't think I'd get an appointment now before next week:blush:

The support team have said that I'll be able to read my statement before I go in but I'm going to take your advice and write it down over the next couple of days so it's fresh in my mind!

They phoned me today to let me know that my daughter's and my days have been rearranged :unsure: - my daughter has to go on Monday afternoon and I have to be there for Tuesday morning! Hey ho!

I'll let you know how it goes, and thanks a million for your great advice!


31-07-09, 00:08
Good luck Wendy. I'm sure you'll do fine. One last suggestion - if you are being asked questions, look at the person's hair or shoulder, not directly in their eyes. You'll probably find that easier. Remember, you are guilty of nothing. This is for your daughter. Deep breaths and go get em!

11-08-09, 18:36
Maddie - just wanted to let you know that they decided they didn't need me to attend the case at all!! They phoned the afternoon before I was due to go in. My daughter was really brave - she had to be there on 2 days and the case lasted a full 5 days. It was awful because we thought the person was going to get away with what he'd done but, thankfully, the jury saw through him and he was found guilty on all 3 counts!!!!! That was the longest week of my daughter's and my life, I can tell you. It didn't help that it was broadcast in the local newspapers but I guess that's what happens isn't it:unsure: It also proved to me that anxiety/shock etc DOES cause the numbness that I quite often get in my face, arm and hands!! Anyway, it's over now thank goodness and I wanted to say a very big thank you for your words of support.
