View Full Version : Just Scared Myself

27-07-09, 13:43
Hey all, I got kinda a silly sitituation.

Now My mind likes to wander, a lot, and I got to the subject of dieing/death.
I Just freaked myself out, knowing that I AM going to die, and its unnerving me a little. Im wondering if anyone else gets this? I was even afraid to go to sleep last night. I know ill feel better, but this train of thought always likes to pop in and it freaks me out.

well thanks for reading, I do feel better now that ive expressed myself :)

27-07-09, 13:52
I just read what I posted, and boy does that sound silly. I dont know why im so obsessed with my conscious, gah got to relax..

27-07-09, 15:50
Hi there

Yeah i get this too and i am quite sure many others do too.
Try to distract yourself when you start to think about it and don't dwell on it.


27-07-09, 17:08
Well thanks for the replies, Im feeling better now.

Its hard to distract myself at work :-/
at home, I just start doing Origami and all is well.

Im glad im not alone :)

27-07-09, 17:26
I often get that realization in my head and the inevitable gets the best of me, too. I was curious, though, what is it about death that terrifies us so much? Why do we keep trying to run from it -- to make sure we aren't dying? This is fascinating!
I have read a couple of books by James Van Praagh and Alison Dubois and they made me feel so much better about it, but I have now fallen back into fearing it. Why? I am not sure. Then, there are times when I am not as afraid and I accept it. Why? Sorry, I am probably getting too philosophical here, but I would be interested in hearing from those who have this fear and if they know what it is about it they fear the most. I think it would be interesting. Hugs, Wiskers ~

27-07-09, 19:02
The biggest thing that im afraid of is, knowing that my consciousness will be no more. The nothingness scares me the most.

And it feels like grade school, you have this big presentation comming up and your scared of it, because you know eventually your going to have to get up in fron the the class, and then the day comes.

thats why, but again, I think to much.

27-07-09, 20:08
I would recommend reading James Van Praagh's books. I know they might go agains what you believe, but I found them interesting in hopes of the possibilities. I have the same fear as you -- just not existing. Not being aware, nothingness. But, then again .. do we know that for sure? Van Praagh is just a different more reassuring angle to death. :)

27-07-09, 23:03
I think people like us that suffer from anxiety etc often latch on to the subject of death because it's not something we can argue with or dispute. Anxiety needs something to feed on and there's no simple answer to death. I see anxiety as a separate entity that does everything possible to survive.

I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact I have to die someday by telling myself I'll probably be ready when the time comes and everyone is in the same boat including my partner, dog, cat, friends and all the miserable gits that live in my street. Ultimately, we don't really know what happens after life - science tends to choose easier questions to answer.