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25-09-05, 18:54
I hate it because i feel i have no control over the horrid thoughts that come in my head. I would never harm myself but has anyone got any idea why i have horrid thoughts and qusestioning the meaning of life. And wondering "if this is it" and is there something better . Why are these thoughts coming in. I can't work out if Anxiety caused my depression or Depression made me Anxious. Any ideas peoples? I don't want to think these thoughts. Want nice thoughts. Suzuki

25-09-05, 19:09
Hi Suzuki

Sorry to hear your having a hard time, hang in there, we’re all with you.

I honestly think all anxiety suffers get depressed if only because we can’t see an end to this. I try to be positive most of the time but sometimes it feels like I’m fighting a loosing battle, and of course that gets me down.

For me the anxiety causes the depression if I could loose the anxiety I know I’d be a very happy person because I love life, going to football matches, going down the pub etc it’s just at the moment these thing are hard for me (because to the anxiety).

Why are you having these morbid thoughts? Well the brain is very good at playing tricks on us especially when we’re down it seems to always pick out the worst bits pf any situation and they we tend to dwell on it.

Take care,

25-09-05, 20:09
Dear Susuki

Hope you are well. I too have horrible thoughts and it feels like I have no control over them at times, although I am getting better each day. Lots of people on this board have helped me already, and I'm sure they will have lots of fab advice for you too. It was such a relief to find out that I wasn't the only one who had thoughts that scared the living daylights out of me. The key thing seems to be to try and hold onto the fact that, 'it's just a thought' and that it doesn't mean anything. As Parker says, anxiety has a nasty habit of grabbing hold of the thoughts that cause us the most fear, and we as anxiety suffers can then dwell on these thoughts and start the ruminating which leads us into more negativity. I'm not great at explaining it all though! For me the anxiety and the thoughts definitely led to depression rather than the other way round, although looking back at the past year there was quite an emotional build up to the actual start of the thought patterns again. If you ever want to pm me feel free. Thinking of you.

Love B x

25-09-05, 20:50
Hi Sue,

Just thought I'd put a little reply in, I think we talked about this anyway!

For me I agree with Parker. I used to enjoy things but then got anxious and so worried and then it kinda take the fun out doesn't it?

I think then you get into being despondant with things and then it gets into a big viscious circle type thing.

I hope the new drugs will help u with that anyway.

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression

Sue K with 5
27-09-05, 00:09

I could stay on this subject for hours as its a question I have been asking myself for 20 odd damn years!

The negative thoughts are sometimes easier to deal with than the positive. We can deal with rejection and low self esteem easier because we cant get dissappointed. Whereas if a positive thought enters our head we get very excited and then start to panic at how good it makes us feel.

You need to focus on fighting the negative by enforcing positive things to happen in your life. Easier said than done I know, but in order to wipe out the bad thoughts you have to use reverse therapy !

Good Luck and keep focused and positive

Sue with 5


27-09-05, 07:06
from as long as I can remember till I was about 25 and I'm 27y now so basicly my whole life when i was down the biggest thought that entered my head and that I argued with my self about was " why was I born".

I still dont have the full answer to my question yet but I came to conclusion that I my kids were a big a part of why I was born. I have a son with asperger syndrome and kids like him are often also gifted in some way 'Albert Einstine' is now beleived to have had asperger's. My son is very good math's and with computer's so i just decided one day that I had to get my self together if not for my self but my kid's.

I think finding just one positive and holding onto that any way to can can help anyone start to gain control even if is a small positive. Once you have the positive thought just keep reminding your self of in every chance you get.

I hope you feel better soon.

28-09-05, 17:44
Hi, I just wondered how you were doing Suzuki. Hope you are feeling okay, love B x