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25-09-05, 21:26
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone has the same as me.
I was at work last week(i work in customer service)and i kept staring at customers not knowing what to say to them when they approached me.I was repeating myself a lot,forgetting what i had said to them seconds before.I got loads of funny looks.
At one point i even had to ask myself what my name was and where i was.
I have being doing ok recently and am terrified this will get worse.
I bumped my head last week and got checked out by Gp who said i wasfine but im now worried ive got something wrong with my brain.
Im scared ill forget who i am or if im driving,where im going.

Help,please,somethings terribly wrong with me[V]

Kristi Pipkin
25-09-05, 21:35
Hi Hunny

Please don't think that something is wrong with you, - this is one of symptoms which makes up my anxiety patten. I know it's scary when you feel that you are not in control, but it helps if you can take five, go and make yourself a drink or sit on the loo and just try calm down.

Something someone told me was when I was feeling like this, is to ask myself how I can make it better, what it was that has made me feel this way and basically try to rationalise things.

Lots of people have these feelings who don't suffer from anxiety but on a much smaller scale, like running up the stairs and then when they get to the top have forgotten what they when upstairs for.

I know it's hard, but stay positive, things will seem brighter soon :D


25-09-05, 21:38
I'm sure you are fine but maybe you should go back to your GP just to set your mind at rest. I find when I'm anxious I lose the thread of conversations (I'm a saleswomen so really doesn't help when I can't remember what I've already told the customer) so it's probably just that.
I think you are probably sub-consiously still worrying about your bump on the head.
I hope you feel better soon, pm me if you want to chat

25-09-05, 22:03
I'm sure its anxiety related, hunny. My memory certainly suffers.

But if you need reassurance from your GP, go back for that.

I was even in the supermarket yesterday, and a couple smiled knowingly at me. After me asking, they did say that they were my next-door neighbours lol


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

25-09-05, 22:11
Hi Hunny.

So sorry to hear how you are feeling.

There is nothing wrong with you brain, please don't think that, by doing this you are feeding Mrs anxiety with you fear.

As Marmalade said, in you sub-consiouse you are still worrying about the bump on your head.
So when the constomer approached you reapted yourself, this is a thing that you don't normaly do, or you have done it before and not noticed it. you thought negative and bump on head.
You have already programmed into you mind that you will forget, so when you thought of your name, you fear you will forget and this fuels Mrs anxiety.

Bofore my PA's, anxiety, I did this lots of times and never give it another thought.
But after my PA's, anxiety, this would frighten the life out of me.
You have to fight with your thoughts Hunny, you will NOT get any worse.

Hope you feel better soon.



Fear is only as strong as the mind allows.

25-09-05, 22:26
Hi Hunny

So sorry to hear you are having a little blip, because I'm sure that's all it is.

As we all know, anxiety can do all sorts of things to us and this is just another one in a long list, so try not to be too concerned or scared.

As others have said, if necessary, visit your gp for reassurance. I know that when I'm suffering everyone close to me helps to reassure me, but when my gp says it, there is far more chance it will sink in - silly really, but there you are!!

It is so easy to loose where you are with something sometimes, many of my friends are always saying this and they are not suffering from anxiety, so for anxiety sufferers, it is worst when this happens, as the levels of anxiety begin to rise.

I'm sure you will go to work this week and find everything will get back to normal!

Hey, I used to be like this before I suffered from anxiety - so no hope for me now!!! LOL :D

Wishing you a good night and week.

Take care



25-09-05, 23:45
I often get blank momement's specialy when in the kitchen with my family. I will walk back and forth to each counter and to the table foa while before i realise that i am really mot getting anything done. This as really been an almost every morning thing since i started to have sit down breakfast with my family every morning as one of my step's to make family life better and also hopfull get over my control anxiety in the kitchen. I just begining to feel that is based on my anxiety issues but when it really started i would feel like I had all the symtom's of a stroke not being able to get words out or think of the words to even say. When I did say something it was so jumbled that I would gte so angry and the a bunch of swear words would come out and I really wasn't trying tyo swear in the end i would have to walk out and think then come back in and deal with it cause i just could think in the kitchen with my family. I'm getting better now I'm having less of these symtom's and really starting to enjoy being in the kitchen with my family mosy day's.

26-09-05, 10:25
hi hunny,

i dont think any kind of head injury would cause the symptons your describing but if you are worried that it is, go back to your doctor.

i used to get like that when i was really anxious and i think its called derealisation / depersonalisation. as you learn what triggers your anxiety and better ways to cope it wont be an issue to you - its doubtful anythings wrong with your brain and your not going mad ok, these issues sound like usual anxiety symptons .. tc andrew

26-09-05, 17:02

You know you're running into trouble when you tie Paddington Bear Labels to yourself and your car and bag so you won't forget who you are .. and you think I am kidding. I kept them on for several months

I never did and neither will you. Its just a crowded brain chocker full of thoughts about other things ie anxiety and you can only have so many brain channels working at once..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-09-05, 20:11
OMG Meg!
I have my husbands name and work tel number attatched to the inside of my bag in case that happens.Sometimes i have my mobile set to dial his number too!!
Do you think these things are anxiety and not from my head being banged?
Hunny x

26-09-05, 21:11
Yes, completely anxiety driven or I wouldn't still be here doing my old job and leading the life I led before anxiety..apart from less hours on my day time job and more hours on here. lol


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?