View Full Version : how many is ok?

27-07-09, 17:27
Hi all, twitching like mad today in my legs :(:weep: Lots of people have said normal people get twitches & its just normal but maybe they dont notice them How many is normal? im getting them so so much in my legs mainly when resting. I have had a lazy day today & have been lying down a lot. I cant stop thinking about it & am convinced its ms or als :(

27-07-09, 17:31
hi i also suffer with twitches and was constantly worrying about them, i have been to my own doctor and also a friend of my moms who is actually a doctor(his mom happens to have ms). He said that people with ms do not present with this symptom also if you only notice them when you are relaxed as i do then it is nothing, ms symptoms happen whether you are relaxed or working your muscles. I do some times have them whilst standing still but never whilst moving. I hope this helps. I am not really in a position to offer help as i to obsess about ms and am convinced i have it. I think i have had more of the ms symptoms in the past month than the average patient that has actually got ms.
Honestly if this is all you have it is nothing to worry about :0)

27-07-09, 17:34
thanks rebecca i really appriciate it!! It really sucks worrying so much about it. btw i saw your other post i too suffered with dizzyness for 3 weeks where i felt like i was walking to the left almost tipsy but could walk in a straight line & stand on 1 foot. it actually started my ms fear! i have started taking iron tablets & no dizzyness!! might be worth a go? xx

27-07-09, 17:38
thanks.... i take multi vitamins which have iron in them, they also have magnesium and zinc which is supposed to help with muscle twitches but can take up to 6 weeks to get into your system. Have you been to your docs about the twitches? if so what did he say? I have tried to push for an mri(not for the twitches) but the doc refuses saying no need instead im off for an assesment with a cpn. Really dreading that also sitting there confessing to being a hypocondriach.

27-07-09, 18:06
Hi there, my doctor is an idiot so i wont go to see him enless its serious like infection etc. I never go to my doctor 4 times this year which i think is good for someone with health anxiety any way he just said 'its nothing to worry about ( think it was burning tongue) and referred me to a cpn, in my opinion i dont need to see one i just needed some reasurrance off him so i didnt go to the cpn & i wont go back to him. The only thing that keeps me sane about my twitches is when i am busy or my partner is with me and stopping me think about it i dont seem to get any well i probably do but dont notice them. ahh its annoying! x

29-07-09, 15:32
today they are awful feel really down today and within 10 mins of waking i had one :weep: could just cry

29-07-09, 15:37
its really strange because i started out like you constantly noticing twitches now i do still get them but they really dont bother me so i feel they have gone 50% its all the other things now that really bother me, i seem to pull myself together over one thing and another crops up. Can i ask how old are you?

29-07-09, 15:42
Hi Tash,

I was told my my doc that when your muscles are full of adrenalin and it had nowhere to go, ie running away or fighting which is what it is meant for your muscles will involuntaraly twitch to get rid of it. Horrible effects of anxiety I'm afraid :huh:

29-07-09, 17:02
thanks all its just reassuring to hear other people have it. Rebcca i am 21 x

29-07-09, 17:17
reason i ask is i am 29, my friend told me that alot of people who twitch usually start in their 20's as these are the years that you start to mature and worry, especially if you have got kids you worry what will happen to them if anything happens to you, i dont even think muscle twitching is part of ms more of painful spasms?

29-07-09, 17:32
no i dont have spasms just twitches no other symptoms it did come on in a time of real anxiety but has never gine away even though i have calmed down. I have had days where i dont worry about it & still get them which makes me think its serious :(