View Full Version : Struggling to find meaning/purpose.

27-07-09, 20:13

Ok, I've had anxiety depression on and off for about 10 years. I've been low for a couple of months and had a full on anxiety attack about 2 weeks ago. I felt suicidal and nearly overdosed. I was left with DR/DP. It was horrible and really scary. I've had it before. I went to the dr after it was a bit better and she just gave me a booklet on coping with stress and anxiety...I've read lots before!!

Anyway, I'm functioning and not as bad as I was but when my mind is not really busy, I'm questioning why I'm here, what any of us are doing here, what's the point? It's really bothering me and my mum knows something's up. What can I do? Anyone got any advice?

I am stressing about health issues and the fact I'm going to lose my physio who I'm close to next week so I know what's contributing to it, but I'm just scared I'll feel like this for a long time. I just want to be back to the way I was and 'live' without thinking too much about it! :weep: It's really getting me down.

Thanks for any advice!

27-07-09, 22:15
Hiya Ali,

Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good. Do you see anyone that you can talk to about your worries? Not sure why you see a physio but it sounds to me like you would benefit from having someone to discuss your thoughts with - sometimes it's easier with someone who you're not related to. My daughter used to have awful depression and anxiety when she was in her late teens and was so worried about upsetting or worrying me that she'd hide how she felt - so we both felt like we were treading on eggshells!

It's sometimes hard to work out why on earth we are here but I reckon absolutely everyone has something to offer - even if it's just smiling at someone and asking how they are!

Hope you start to feel better soon.

Keep your chin up!

Wendy :hugs:

27-07-09, 23:28
Hi Wendy,

I love your user name and avatar! Thanks for your message.

I see a physio because I have Spina Bifida and kyphoscoliosis. There's a major surgery to straighten out my spine on the horizon but I'm putting it off for as long as I can because it would mean taking about a year out of work and things.

There is a counselling psychologist I've been seeing on and off for about a year and I've had a few sessions with her recently. I have some great friends but alot of them live all over the country. I've spoken to a couple of them about it but I just want to go back to feeling 'normal'.

More sleep might help! It's bed time!