View Full Version : Anxiety over money issues

25-09-05, 23:22
Despite doing well these money I still have a lot anxiety over money issues's. This morning i was just sitting at the table with my family and my partner reminded my eye glasses would be ready today or tomorrow to pick up and pay for. I took a deep breath a thought " I dont want to know" I had been thinking a bit about it all week end and the closer we got to the payment date the more I thought about it. I have the money to pay for them but that dose little to ease the feeling's. After he remided me the radio new's was on and thay were talking about petrol price's and and fue other money matter and then to top it all off the talk about the cyclone damage ect. That was enought to make me starnd up and walk out cause the erg to run was so bad normal i would hide in my room leaning against the door so no one could get to me but in stead I thought i would I come on here and just get it out of my head.

I only found the site a fue a day's ago.

When the anxiety start's I get snappy with my kids and I hate that i try real hard to ignore it and deal with the tasks that need to be done but it never work's for long. The radio is still on in another room and really want to go turn it off so i dont have to hear it but if I do then every one will ask question's and then i will snap and then thing's will get worse ect. It time's like this that I get angry at my self it's just a radio I know I cant change what thay say or what the world dose and that really fuel's the anxiety. How you do you get past anxiety that is at it basic level is about about not being in control of the uncontrolable.

I have to go the kids are getting ready for school and better get realy as well. Thanks for listening.


26-09-05, 04:14
It's now lunch time and i still can't shack the nagging symptom that started this morning. I had to get out of the house Or I would have got mad so I went for a walk but i miss an aranged home oppintment for me and my amost 1y old son. Now i cant bring my self to ring a reshedule the oppointment because it the 3r in a row that i have forgeten the first time i was back just in time but i forget she was coming the 2nd time i forgot and she rang i made it back in time and this time I ask for a day that I thought would be a good day on a non pay week and I still forgot and i cant beleive it as it is thay change the lady that visits me and i have been able to get use to her so i still have anxiety over talking to her but tom ring her and explain that i forgot again i dont know if i want to deal with that right now I feel like pulling out of the programe I'm in so i dont have to deal with forgetting again.

I keep pushing the thought's away but thay keep coming back and right now i dont even feel like i stop thinking long enough to make and eat lunch. I've had a butterfly feeling in my cheat and tummy all day and had a moment of palpation's if which i told my self to stop being stupid. I rang my friend and talked for 15min and i was doing good til i got home and realised i had forgotten my oppointment not to metion I had to call and pull out of my volenteer crache work for tomorrow to on an excursion with my 10y son who has asperger's syndrome and she reminded me that i forgot about course that thay were running that day but she understand that i have anxiety and know's I have come a long way since starting the volenteer work with them. I was fine after that but now I'm kicking my self that I'm having a bad day today.

26-09-05, 04:35
Hi Mum2four!
I'm glad you've found this site. It's been really helpful to me!
I too get really upset over finances and panicky over the radio and television constantly blasting us with bad news. It's so hard to get away from the noise of the world when you have other members in your family who want to listen to it. Could you take one of the kids out for a walk with you when it gets like this?
I was really upset about news about nuclear weapons about a month ago. I was so upset I was dreaming about it. What I finally did to get rid of my frantic fears about them was dwell on the thought for 10 minutes. When you force yourself to think about one thing for 10 minutes and constantly keep your mind from wandering off the thought, your brain gets bored with it and you can stop worrying after the 10 minutes. It's a neat trick I learned from 'The Anxiety Cure'. I don't know why it works, but it does.
Do you keep a notepad or memo board anywhere to help you remember things? When my mind is really anxious, I try to write stuff down and keep the notes to myself posted in the same place. If you write stuff down and keep it posted in a visible place, that no one will mess with, it might help.
I hope your day gets better!
Keep posting, you know you'll always have this site to come to when it gets tough!
Best wishes,

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

26-09-05, 05:30
Thank you for your responce. I need to get my self a board that i can use for reminder's. I have been so busy getting the schedule down to a tea so that i have a calm house cause I have a son with asperger's syndromw that i alway put my own my need's to the back of my thought's.

I was finaly able to to find something to distract me long enought to feel better after the lady rang back and rescheduled the oppointment I forgot today.

Going for a walk really dose help me feel better but notbeing able to get for for walk for what eva reason is what increase's the anxiety cause I feel traped and out of control. When I'm alone now and i like loud muic as well cause it drown's my thought out but I can rarly have loud music when my kids are home cause thay have noise issues's and will scream at me if anything is too loud even it it really not that loud at all. Asperger kids have sensory issues and noise can often be a trigger for a melt down.

I would use ear phone's but then I wont hear my baby I cant wait till he older. I have had depression the last 2 time when my kids were around the age of one. I'm while I'n not depressed now my anxiety has increased I can see a patern emerging and I have thought about it alot I starting to think it's because I no longer have to rock my kids at that age which takes away my copping method or at least i can no longer just pick my baby up when I feel like i need an excuse to rock and calm my self down.

26-09-05, 17:10

Thats a really insightful thing about rocking the little ones.

When I was acute I absolutely hated hearing the news and actively avoided it for a long time as it made me always feel worse. music Cds and talking books were my comfort in the car instead of the radio.

It is usual to need to get out each day and I can understand the trapped feeling if you cannot get out.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-09-05, 22:29
When my 3rd child was nearly one my anxiety was real bad althought did really realise that it was anxiety causeing my symptom's. Getting out of bed to deal with the world was just too hard. I was treated for depression at that stage and over the next year I alot of thing's happened in my life. I couldn't bare to hear any sort of bad new's or negative word's and started turn TV's and radio's off on people and just running are as i could and I walk for hour's as long as keeped walking fast the world could hurt it was like I couldn't even see the world is had faded in to the back ground and look fuzzy.

The friend I was living with kick me and my family out and for some reason that had a positive effect on my life more than any other thing that happened. I became a fighter but in a good way I started to fight for life back for me and the bonus of that was that i show the world that hated me so much that I didn't it to be alive and enjoying my family. I ended up focusing on me and my life and it took me about another year or so and I life still threw a lot of negaitive thing's my way lthe two major thing's being 9-11 a year and 3 day's later the loss of my nana who was a huge part of my life. While saying good by to my nana after crying for 24 hour striaght it just hit me I'm still here on this world and with nana now watching over me I was determined to turn her loss in a positiive thing cause she was such a happy person in life and could be half as happy as her my life would be complete.

6mth before lossing my nana I had a dream that woke me and my anxiety extreamly bad. I have had plenty of dream's come true and people around me find my dream's quite concering at time as well. That dream was about loosing my nana and after I did I found the whole dream and the 2 week's before loosing her very strange for a 1000 reason's.

Amazingly I felt stronger and more prepared to enter the world so I have made lots of step's since then to put my self back in to world and have fun while I'm doing it.

I was doing fine till I was forced to walk it to my kids school about 3 mth's ago and have it out with her about my 10y old asperger's syndrome I sreiously hate with a passion any sort of confruntation. I had the people on the aspeger web give me the strength to fight for my son. Now i just need to get over the anixety a started from that moment on. I dont want it to gain control of me again i dont want to cheat my family out there mum again. I want keep to making more positive step's and I'm been arguing to my self for months now about finaly taking the next step into the world by getting my licence and a job and I came to realise that i was not really as better as I thought i was still avoiding so many thing's that might cause a panic attack like I'v had in the past. I'v been aruging with self about asking for medication to help me take the next step that i want so badly. But the I start to think that if i ask for med that I'm not doing it my self and then i thought so much that I feel like I have made the whole thing up in my head and maybe i'll end up like my mum who cant threw a fue hour with out some sort of medication.

I stop there before i get the whole process started in my headagain and i have a excursion with my son class today which will interesting cause I still feel like there is some bad thought's about each other that have not been resolved even thoe she seem to have started to treat my son the way i explianed to her cause if you do the wrong thing with my son he will have a melt down and he leave's the biggest out burst's for when he get's home.
So I'm just focusing on my son and that's it if i feel comfortable with the other people that will be there then that's juist a bonus, but I'm not going to let the thought's of not getting alone get in the way of having time with my son. There has been far to fue time that I've been able to speant quaity time with my son his asperger has really got in the way of that and I just recently made progress it a very positive way with him. That is my aim today it's a

27-09-05, 09:11
I just thought i'd come back here and write sort of an update.

After my bad day yesterday and my money anxiety which was due to having to speand $250 on a pair of glass for my self. I felt better in the after noon and by that night I was really happy about thing's only to be told by partner that person who is byeing our car had his walat stollen(not sure i beleive that) and there fore cant pay the $300 he owe's the car which was meant to be my back up money in case we need fuel or something before our pay day cause I had to pay for my glass's this week. Anyway when i i was told he couldn't pay i just started to worry again I have enought money but i feel better knowing that i have more than i need incase of an unexpected bill which seem to happen a lot to me fpr some reason. I have to say i dealt i with prety good normal some thing like that really send my anxiety sky high but I just choose to ignore and wait to see what happen's. It's still a nagging constant thought in the back of my head but at least my anxiety symtom's are not messing with me in a negative way. i actualy kinds feel like I'm a high like I'm trying to over compensate so that i can stay happy. I just have to get this week and and as long as next week go's to plan thing's should stay fine.

My kids are on holiday's next week so I'm focusing on what good things we will do together that dont cost money.