View Full Version : setback

27-07-09, 20:58
Hi guys,

Yesterday me and my boyfriend drove up to Dublin( a 2.5 hour drive) for a gig. The minute stepped into the car, panic started to rise, and for about an hour I sat stuck in the car(we were on a moterway), legs and arms trembling, wanting to get sick and also needing the bathroom. I had to take 1 3mg lexotan. I havn't had such a bad panic attack in aaaaaages, I thought I was getting better, but its obviously still there :( When we finally did stop, half way up on a main road, I took a walk around and then we went for 2 games of pool in a pub. I felt fine after that. Made it up to dublin, went on public transport 4 times and went to gig, all feeling fine. I think I anticipate too much and predict that bad things will happen, hense panic attacks BEFORE I get to a "scary" thing.

I'm going on holidays next tuesday for a week - plane ride for 2.5 hours. How will i cope if i can't escape and take a walk around without looking like a fool? and what If I need to do a "nervous" poo as I like to call it??

please help...

27-07-09, 21:56
Hi there

there are 'toilets' on the plane and you could go for a walk up & down the aisle if you needed to escape. I find that square breathing helps me to relax. Take a good book and you'll hopefully get distracted. Enjoy your holiday - we went to Dublin for a few days last week and it was great. The kids loved it & we all relaxed and chilled out!!! Definately recharged the batteries and your holiday will recharge yours too. Are you off to somewhere nice???? We only went away for a few days this year as the kids wanted us to take the younger two & leave them at home (16 & 14) so looks like proper holidays will be on hold for a while but let me know where you are off to and I can dream............

Take care and enjoy


28-07-09, 11:25
But things were ok, try and use that when you think about the 'what ifs'.

And like Chantelle said, there are toilets on the plane and you can walk up and down the aisles if you need to.

Maybe take a puzzle book, Sudoku or something just to take your mind away for a while.

I'm in for a 3 hour drive tomorrow and i'm not too nervous about it at the moment, although I was a few days ago.

Enjoy your holidays :)

28-07-09, 12:13
Hi there

there are 'toilets' on the plane and you could go for a walk up & down the aisle if you needed to escape. I find that square breathing helps me to relax. Take a good book and you'll hopefully get distracted. Enjoy your holiday - we went to Dublin for a few days last week and it was great. The kids loved it & we all relaxed and chilled out!!! Definately recharged the batteries and your holiday will recharge yours too. Are you off to somewhere nice???? We only went away for a few days this year as the kids wanted us to take the younger two & leave them at home (16 & 14) so looks like proper holidays will be on hold for a while but let me know where you are off to and I can dream............

Take care and enjoy


Thanks for the advice :)
I'm off to sunny spain, costa del sol to be exact, with my whole family and my boyfriend. I am looking forward to it - so maybe the excitement will overshine the nerves! I've been there before and I loved it - and I cannot wait to go for a refreshing swim!