View Full Version : panic at the thought of work tomorrow!

27-07-09, 21:40
I returned to work 2 weeks ago after 7 months off and it wasnt too bad at first as i only had to work from 8 till 12 as im on phased return, but this week im on 8 till 1 and i found it so very hard and i watched the clock go round and it went so slowly, or seemed too. I didnt go to sleep with worrying until after 2am last night either so i was shattered this morning as i have to get up at 5am for work.
We're very very busy at work right now as we're also taking swine flu calls, so weve only got about half the staff we normally do as a large number have been taken off normal duties and put on the helpline so we're absolutely inundated with irrate customers who arent used to having to wait for us to answer our phones.
I know i should be thankful ive got a job but im panicing like hell, im sitting here feeling sick at the thought of going in there tomorrow because i know its going to be manic again and i dont know if i can cope:weep:
I know im being a wuss but i cant help it im just feeling very low and im scared im going to end up off again..but if i do i go off sick again i know they will sack me.
I dont know what to do for the best.
Thanks for letting me rant

27-07-09, 21:54

I am the same after I have returned to work.

I am still doing just 3 hours as the doc thinks any more will be too much at the moment but I hate it and am so out of my depth.

To make it worse they keep giving me hard work that I just can't do - grrr.

Can you not reduce your hours down like I have for a while?

27-07-09, 23:12
Hiya nic
Maybe i need to have a word with the ops manager tomorrow morning and tell him how im struggling and see if he can reduce it like you say, but saying that i dont really hold out much hope as the least number of hours they normally restart you on phased is half a day, and im only an hour over that this week. Im full of cold again so thats not helping and its hot and stuffy at work its really uncomfortable.
Its hard isnt it nic after a long time off getting used to things again!! its a constant struggle, but managers just dont seem to be able to understand this when they tell you what they expect of you...and they just havent got a clue about what theyre asking of us or how its making us feel because at the end of the day they are only interested in their targets and stats not people.
Sad isnt it!