View Full Version : pins and needles/ stiffness in fingers

28-07-09, 00:09
hi i have recently been experiencing fuzziness and stiffness in my fingers... i know i have been working hard in the garden but that was a week ago!
now they feel really tight and start gettin pins and needles in them... im concerned...anyone else have this???

28-07-09, 14:26
yes I get hat quite a lot in my right hand. I hava a pain that radiates up the wrist and to my finger tips. Its not carpal unnel as i doesnt effect my thumb. They feel stiff and sometimes they get pins and needles too. Have seen nureologist and he doesnt see any reason o worry. Thinks its related to migraines and stress.

28-07-09, 17:30
This is from anxiety, nothing more nothing less.

Get the anxiety under control and stop worrying, just asking this question at all is a sign your anxious. I used to be the same 5-6 years ago and after my worry stopped so did all the symptoms.

I was deathly afraid of MS/Cancer/you name it. Now I could care less about any of that, I am worried about the panic attacks, that are a result of being a lifetime WORRIER!

DO NOT go this route, anxiety is anxiety.

28-07-09, 23:24
thanks for ur help, now im worried coz i have a pain in my chest like on my left breast. worrying 24/7

28-07-09, 23:43
When we are anxious we become very tense ,this affects our nervous system.You can get pain,s and aches in every part of the body .If you are suffering with tension the muscles ,nerves and tendons cause pain and tingling .Try to find a relaxation tape or something combined with some deep breathing techniques to help relax you .Its amazing what anxiety does to the body .It has the capability to make you feel physically ill if you let it .Just accept its anxiety and relax ,the pains will go. Take care Sue xx:hugs:

28-07-09, 23:57
cheers sue.

but im overweight...and im obsessed over food so im in a vicious circle