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View Full Version : terrified - please help ASAP

28-07-09, 01:55
hey, i'm really scared i have a serious problem as this past week i have been getting quite a few headaches and i have been getting sinus pains and pains around my eyes and feeling really tense and i have also been some of speech is coming out wrong for example i said gongs instead of songs and some of sentences come out in the wrong order. i'm so so scared. what do you think is wrong with me?
please reply ASAP
Many thanks
Louise X

28-07-09, 04:24
I think you have a sinus infection... I would advise you to go and get it checked out... If it is a sinus infection the pain will only get worse if left untreated...
Try not to panic... And I know how hard that can be... I have been there more than once... But it truly does make things seem worse than they are...
Hope you feel better soon...

Hugs... :hugs:

28-07-09, 04:33
like you said its your sinus dont worry your be fine
wish you better

28-07-09, 05:06
the pain seems to come and go like sometimes its really bad and sometimes not there at all. can you die from a sinus infection? it sounds serious.
please reply
Luv louise

28-07-09, 07:58
I have sinus probs (I think) - everything else has been ruled out, and my pain comes and goes and has done for almost 2 years - the pain can either be really intense and make me sick or not there much atall. I am sure you have a sinus pain, and you won't die from a sinus infection - promise.

Pop to the GP and they can prescribe a spray or some pills to help it on it's way out of your system

28-07-09, 14:41
you don't think it's a tumour then? or anything else serious?
please reply
Luv Louise

28-07-09, 14:45
You can't die from a sinus infection and it isn't a brain tumour but unless you go and see the doc we cannot diagnose these things over a website.

28-07-09, 14:46

I would defo say Sinus infection and no hun it is not serious.
It does cause pain and discomfort in the head, nose and around the eyes!
You can get something from the pharmacy for it.
Don't worry about it hun as it is a pretty common problem and easily treated with an over the counter medication!


28-07-09, 15:13
dont know if this will help! Chemist sells salts which you dilute in hot water stick a towel over your head and you breathe in the vapour also helps you to relax cant for the life of me remember what theyre called! Does sound like youre bunged up especially as its round youre eyes and the top of your nose...

28-07-09, 17:08

I'm fairly new on here but would like to offer some advice. I also have sinus problems, sometimes worse than others to the point of looking like I haven't slept in a year or someone has given me two black eyes. The pain is awful around my nose and eye area. I take over the counter medication to take the pain away and relieve the pressure and after a couple of days it just disappears. If you are really worried take yourself off to the doctors just to ease your mind if nothing else.

I thought that I had a brain tumor a few months back as I was getting spots in front of my eyes and having terrible headaches, now I just feel silly as, of course, it was not a tumor. It is so funny how you always seem to think the worse when it is you and when other people tell their fears you can always see a more simple explanation for the symptoms

28-07-09, 17:18

Please don't worry...easier sad than done right? At the hieght of my health anxiety, I had many sinus infections, mainly because I was scared of them. I had allergy problems and pressure in my face too...all because I FOCUSED on it.

A sinus infection is common and can be treated with antibiotics if need be.

A migraine, though obnoxious, is a result of all the INTERNAL reflection you are doing right now.

Give yourself a break and go outside, do something physical, or just relax.

Since I got over my health anxiety 5 years ago, I have not had another sinus infection or migraine.

Be strong!

28-07-09, 18:55
get some menthol crystals and dissolve a tiny bit in hot water and inhale .........it will clear your sinuses a treat .......good luck xx

28-07-09, 19:41
hey, thank you so much for all your advice. i will get myself off to the chemist tomorrow. i really appreciate it and i do feel less worried.
Love Louise