View Full Version : Mornings

26-09-05, 05:05
I was wondering if anyone else feels worse in the mornings? it seems as soon as I wake up I feel like I am having a PA.
How can this be? I am sleeping and not aware of my PA's


26-09-05, 05:33
I get all the symptom's a panic attack when i sleep during the day or back to sleep after waking in the morning. I find it quite confusing and disrupting. I talked to a Dr about it and he couldn't understand why I get like that either.

26-09-05, 08:38
Hi Terri

I definately feel worse first thing in the morning and last thing at night (night is when I have had most of my problems).

For example: I have woken up this morning and feel anxious, my legs feel like they need a good stretch, little bit shaky and overall, just not quite with it! Some mornings are better than others, but this morning is not great. Hope this is something you can identify with!

Is there anything on your mind or worrying you?

Maybe something unsettled you yesterday?

Sometimes I have not been able to find answers, but perhaps I relax a little more and I'm better for a few days.

I think it is all about accepting the bad days/symptoms and trying to be positive about other things, then hopefully things get easier, but it does sometimes seem like a rollercoaster!

Hope this finds you feeling a little brighter.

Take care


26-09-05, 09:00
Hi Terri,

Mornings are my worst time too, especially at the weekends, as the day progresses I get a lot better. Probably due to distraction.

Take care

Elaine x ( aka Lainey )

26-09-05, 10:32
Hi Terri,
I agree with the others morning are my worse time when i am anxious, I wake up hoping that I am going to have a good day, but as the day wears on I feel better and better, so now I dont worry about it in the mornings, I just get up and carry on as normal knowing, that by lunchtime I will be feeling ok again.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

26-09-05, 11:36
Hi Terri,

Mornings can feel the worst for me to at times. [|)]

I think it's because it's the uncertainty of what the day ahead will bring.[Ugh]

I think as soon as you awake you have to try and fill your head with POSITIVE thoughts.[Yes!]:D

For example: Today is a new day a fresh start and it's going to be fine. If it turns out it isn't i will do my best to turn it around and make it better.

I know it's not easy and i still struggle at times but if you keep trying everday hopefully things will improve.

I have just purchased some POSITIVE AFFIRMATION CARDS from Amazon. Reading one of them just before you go to bed and first thing when you awake each morning can help put your thought processes on the right track.[Yeah!]

Good luck,;)

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

26-09-05, 16:49

This is the very common anxiety way. Mornings are awful getting better in the evenings, then better in the afternoons etc..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-09-05, 17:09
Hi Terri,

Are you worried about anything??

I always feel worse in the mornings. I think the main reason for this is because I am always thinking negatively as soon as I wake up. Im sort of housebound at the minute, so my first thought of the day is something like " ****, is it morning again, another day at home" when it should be something like " Right then, what am I going to do today".

Im going through a bad patch and the moment and have a lot off issues that I have to deal with. The things that are on my mind the day before are always there the morning after. As soon as I wake, they are the first thing on my mind. I suppose that this will be the case until I deal with them. Aswell as that, when you wake up, do you just lie there for a while thinkings about things? or do you get up and start doing things?

26-09-05, 21:29
During the day we build up our defenses and even though we feel fear in the day we manage to cope. When we wake up our defenses are down, all of our tricks/techniques are dormant and so the fear hits us straight away. Like all fear it is an illusion and our tricks are still there, our brains are just fuzzy and half asleep.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

26-09-05, 21:50
I always feel worse at night and first thing in the morning, I've always put it down to being physically at your lowest (you are either tired, or still waking up), as when you get a cold and you feel worse at the same times.

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

28-09-05, 01:01
i acually feel worse at nights. nightime is sort of scary because i fear i'll have a' rough night.'

28-09-05, 21:27
from Blossom, I was reading the forum about feeling worse in the mornings, well I feel the same, infact I wake up crying afraid of facing the day, and what it may bring, I know we should think positive, but its hard when one is afraid, been having panic attacks again, and depression, so am liable to cry any time of day, tolld doctor, but he didnt want to know,
Have had problems getting out again, but am still trying.
all the best from Blossom.
sorry not been in chat, am finding it difficult to get in room. perhaps you could tell me,

29-09-05, 20:01
hi terry

i allways feel terrible in the morning as soon as i wake up then gets a little better during the day and then gets worse 2wards the end of the evening towards the time i go to bed i cant understany y that is though

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part