View Full Version : am really struggling at the mo!

28-07-09, 06:32

my husband has just left for work and yet again i have been reduced to tears and panic i hate this time of day,i feel stupid and like a child,i cant rest and just want to die,i have tood a diazepan but nothing has happened.

i was on 10mg cipralex but come off them as i couldnt hack the side effects,i went to hynotherapy yesterday for the first time and some how felt worse and edgy for rest of day...i really dont know what else to do...please help

28-07-09, 08:46
Hi there
Mornings are the worst time of day so do not be so hard on yourself
the Diazapam will kick in in due course

In the meantime make a warm drink and try and breathe slowly in and out

Try and watch some TV - it will distract you

Take it easy


28-07-09, 09:22

As Mike says try and distract yourself it really works, when I am having a bad time I distract myself it is the best technique I have learnt. Put your favourite CD on and sing along, honest it does help.

Take care