View Full Version : Feelings that something bad has happened

28-07-09, 09:39

Does anyone else have this, my Husband this morning did his usual and cant understand where I am coming from :huh:

Last night I went through the conservatory door and felt light headed and subsequently thought that I had hit my face on the door surround. All night I thought I had hurt myself. I showed my husband what I had done another thing that gets him mad that I have to check things over and over. He said does my head hurt or anything and I said no so he said well you didnt do anything but then why do I still think I have? I went to bed thinking something happened and I woke up and the same thought came straight into my head.

Then this morning I bent down to pick something off the floor and as I got up I stepped forward and as my head came up I saw the cupboard and work surface so then thought I had hit my head/face on the cupboard or work surface. I say to myself I cant have done something as there is no pain but I still convince myself that something did happen. This all then starts the hot sweats and the dizzy spells and on comes the panic/anxiety attacks.

Why do I do this to myself its as if I have lost all ability to feel pain and also the space around me I dont seem to be able to judge distances and how close things really are.