View Full Version : Sharp pain under right shoulder blade - worried

28-07-09, 09:40
I had about two weeks of HA freedom, but now it is back as I have this very real symptom. Every two minutes or so I get this sharp, stabbing pain in my back, on the upper right side kind of between my shoulder blade and my spine. It is definitely not muscular, it comes from the inside and it is very painful, it makes me gasp.
I have had this for about a week and it is getting a bit worse. I am also feeling breathless, as always.

I have read so much health stuff lately because of the bowel cancer fear that I know that stabbing pain in that area often comes from liver or gallbladder problems. My Mum had problems with her gallbladder and she says she had pain in that area, but for her it came as a kind of attack and lasted a day or two.
Weird thing is, I have just had an abdominal ultrasound, it was about three weeks ago, and liver and gallbladder looked fine, no stones or anything.

So now I am worried about various things, obviously cancer (what else) - oesophagus, or lung, or liver, or bile duct, or whatever.

Has someone ever had this?

28-07-09, 10:31
I have alot of damage to my spine - herniated discs - arthritis and degenerative disc disease and I get all sorts of sharp stabbing pain almost anywhere in my body. I can get it into either shoulder blade - its incredibly sharp for a second then goes but two mintues later its there again. I will get this on and off for a few weeks then its gone???? I have had these type of pain for past 20 yrs anywhere in my body.

As you have had them for two weeks maybe do see your Dr in case he wants to check your lungs - I had a friend who had a chest infection but felt fine apart from thinking she had hurt her back becasue of pain but chances are its is musculo/skeletal.

I can get agonising stabbing pain in my abdomen that is actually coming from my spine and following the nerve pathways - even had my appendix out and exploratory op to see if it could be anything else and nothing wrong!
My husband who also has loads of back trouble can get terrible pain in one testicle:blush: but its nothing to do with the testicle its from his back- weird what

28-07-09, 10:48
Thanks :)

I have actually heard of the spine-testicle thing before, my uncle has a spinal disc hernia and the first symptom was stabbing pain in his testicle. Weird!

Coincidentally I have just had a lung X-ray last week, this is for a new job which requires all sorts of medical tests, so I had detailed blood and urine tests, ECG etc as well. I haven't got the results of that yet, but maybe I'll wait for those results before I go to the GP with the back thing, as I am pretty sure the GP won't send me for too many tests just now.

I am terrified they will find something and they will take back the job offer :scared15:

29-07-09, 14:07
Ok these pains are really getting worse now. I can kind of feel pain on the right side of my chest when I swallow as well, or when I take a deep breath but it is still that weird very sharp nerve-like pain.

Not sure if I should go see the doctor or wait for the lung X-ray results that are expected next week...?

29-07-09, 14:31
Ok these pains are really getting worse now. I can kind of feel pain on the right side of my chest when I swallow as well, or when I take a deep breath but it is still that weird very sharp nerve-like pain.

Not sure if I should go see the doctor or wait for the lung X-ray results that are expected next week...?

I get these kind of pains when I have a chest infection, or even a mild cold. I assume it's a kind of cramp in the lungs. I dunno. I stopped bothering the doctor with it after the first few times, since he couldn't detect anything (but the fact I get it the same time I get colds just suggests to me I'm very sensitive to such feelings... ever since having bronchitis when I was 14). If it bothers me I take painkillers which takes it off my mind ;)

Not to say that's what yours is, but since you mentioned shortness of breath it's possible. I tend to think if something hasn't got any better after 7-9 days I'll ask the doc - so if I was in your position and in such frequent pain I'd go and ask about it (I wouldn't have thought it was worth waiting for the x-rays because they'd only pick up something unusual I'd have thought, and the chances of that is rather low - but if you did have something drastic, your doc might well be able to tell anyway and hence get you started on medication sooner ;) ).


29-07-09, 16:01
The thing is, I don't have a cold or a cough, or a "chesty feeling" at all, just this pain, which is very sharp, not at all dull/pressing or anything that resembles bronchitis or a cold.

The breathlessness I have had on and off for about a year, and I am sincerely hoping that it is caused by anxiety. Otherwise I'm in real trouble! :scared15:

What can the doc do? Because he doesn't know what it is without tests and I had tests anyway (during the tests they listened to my lungs and they were fine, they also took blood and urine samples).

29-07-09, 20:54
Hello amu,

Please try not to worry because it does sound to me as though it is nothing sinister. I get exactly what you describe and it can come and go for what seems like no reason. If it eases your mind then talk to your doctor, I did and it helped me accept that it was part of the anxiety and I deal with it that way.

08-08-09, 13:25
I don't know what this was, but it took about two weeks for it to eventually get milder and then it disappeared. It was very intense about a week ago, it didn't let me sleep during the night. Might have been some kind of inflammation, but it's gone now. :):shades: phew