View Full Version : Increased Anxiety because Im unwell?

28-07-09, 13:12

I havent been on here for a while as have been feeling quite well. I had constant 24\7 physical anxiety from Jan - may. Ive been back to work for 3 mnths so far and have been improving everyday since apart from developing obbsesive thoughts, but I seem to be managing with those quite well. Since yesterday I havent been feeling very well sore throat,headache etc and I did do alot of binge drinking over the weekend. I am feeling really anxious today, heart racing, fear, panic. Does anyone else have this when they arnt very well.
Would be grateful for some advice thanks :scared15:

28-07-09, 13:24
seen as most of us here with anxiety feeling panicky and think were going to die when theres is nothing wrong with us, god help us when we are are ill. if i get a twinge in my arm i think im having a heart attack never mind if i actually got food poisening or flu. it is totally normal that your panicking you just need to remember to put things into perspective, it is unlikely that youve got a really bad illness or something thats going to harm you. my tactic is to sit through it no matter how bad the panic gets i just carry on sitting there even though i feel like calling an ambulance and when im still here the next day it reminds me next time i get it that i lived through it last time. try and stay calm and go get some lemsip.

28-07-09, 14:55

I know how you are feeling at the moment. I have been banished from the office for a week (i work for the nhs) as I have somehow managed to get swine flu!
At the moment everything seems more hard and I am way more down and anxious than usual. It probably doesnt help that I have to stay in quarantine for a while. I want to go out but im not allowed - then I know if I do go out I know I will feel too anxious.

What I have been doing is trying to keep my mind busy - TV/reading a book/playing with my animals. Even playing the drums even though I dont feel like it - but it manages to occupy my mind - even for 5 minutes is a good thing.

Hang on in there - and if you need to chat PM me :)