View Full Version : Afraid to leave my house-could it catch fire and kill my dog and cat?

28-07-09, 14:24
Crazy-but I'm afraid my house will catch fire if I'm not here. I worry about my little dog and cat struggling to live as the smoke and flames get closer.

I have been housebound in the past and everyday I feel it is a battle to get out the front door so I am concerned that this new thought in my head will lead to another (unwelcome) period of agoraphobia.

To make matters worse I live in a remote spot on a peninsula of land so it would take anyone atleast 30 minute top reach my house. Also I have no neighbours so there is no one to report the fire if I am not at home.
My dog is very small so I am able to take her with me when I leave and thankfully my beloved cat eagerly goes outside for the day. owever the weather has been rainy and she hasn't wanted to go out and I don't want to force her into the rain just because I think the house is going to burn down. the other thought is forcing her into the rain is a small discomfort vs death if she is trapped in a burning house.

Getting an alarm system is too much money at the moment and I am really tortured by this these toughts. In my worst moments of anxiety / depression, guilt overwhelms me and I feel like I should have never adopted my cat and dog because I can't give them a good life if I am always sobbing.

I don't know how to react positively to these intrusive thoughts-any feed back would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

28-07-09, 15:03
Like you I have been reduced to tears so many times in the past week as I have been very down and have been having crazy thoughts. Is there a friend that can come with you for a little walk out of your house. When im scared to go outside I used to do a little each day eg. go to the end of the driveway, then the next day to the end of the road, then maybe to the end of the street/block. Take it bit by bit and try and maybe coax your dog and cat out for a walk.
I am a keen animal lover and I always feel quilty and upset when I feel like I shouldnt have so many animals when I am so messed up = but at the end of the day they have really got me through some tough times. When I've felt like I've had no-one they have always been there. And thats whats always kept me going, knowing that they care about me :)

28-07-09, 15:49
Have youthought about getting an outside run with a shelter for the animals when you're not there? Over here you can get some quite impressive and comfortable structures to house your little ones when you're not there.

30-07-09, 03:12
Thank you guys so much for the replies. I feel so much better about the whole situation now that I have a plan. Mudskipper that is an absolute genius of an idea ! I will go and get one tomorrow.

Cathy I know what you mean when you say your little guys have gotten you through some rough times. I don't know where I'd be without them - in my worst moments of anxiety and increasing panic I focus on my little dogs snoring and it calms me down ! I am taking your advice to heart and getting outside -and my 'friend' accompanying me is my dog 1

Thank you both for your help !

30-07-09, 10:19
Glad you like the idea, but I guess I should have said you should only do this if you're happy about leaving your animals outside. I wouldn't want to cause you additional anxiety!:flowers: