View Full Version : Now been 7 Months.

28-07-09, 15:07
Well it's been 7 months on Citalopram.

Initially I had a bad reaction (see earlier posts by me) and I halved the dose (with Doc ok) to 10mg, then after a week stepped up to the full 20mg.

To begin with everytime I held one I was scared, that this pills would make me ill, would make me dependant on them, make me a flipping zombie.

Now 7 months on, I can honestly say they did me the world of good. BUT, I still get low ebbs, get the odd feeling that just want to run away from everything. The odd bout of depression is natural with kids, wives, Credit Crunch and crap times at work. No one is immune to these, even on our wonder pills.

I know now that I will have to come off them and I getthe same scared feelign about coming off that I did with starting them. But I know in my heart that I can't do it just yet.

The pills have affect my sex life, early on I was wearing the poor wife out, now I often can't be bothered, to start anything. Reading a wikiopedia article, it can also be prescribed for premature ejaculation. Let me say this can be a bonus AND a nightmare. Bonus coz it means you last longer, and a nightmare (more for the wfe) that you can last TOOO long ...

My short term memory can be shot some days, but I honestly say I have been keeping my cool a lot more than I have in the past.

So anyone that is scared of taking these or being on these I say - Do it. Go on them as the good outweighs the bad.

Good luck to you and your partner.

Barney G.