View Full Version : High blood pressure spikes and Anxiety?

28-07-09, 16:02
I have had panic attacks since I was 16. I have been able to control them through deep breathing, relaxation exercises, yoga, exercise, and have had docs grudgingly work with me when I have had transient issues such as very high pulse rates prior to any anxiety provoking procedures, i.e., dental/outpatient arthroscopy, labor/delivery (oh joy), without meds.
Of late, I had to go to a new family doc. Luckily, I am rarely ill, and only have to go to docs once per year to get new thyroid meds/see if those blood levels are still w/in normal before they refill the prescription. I am a real doc phobe, and just hate the whole experience of being in a docs office. The new doc came in pale and anxious himself, and announced "Your pressure is 220/104....that is really bad! Of course, my panic attack button went off the chart at those comforting words!!! YOU NEED MEDICINE NOW....he says, and that also sent my anxiety flying high!!!

(and I really think it is anxiety related...my oldest son is prepping to join the military, and is leaving in two weeks, and these wide spikes in BP have increased in that time, plus my job is VERY stressful right now)

Any thoughts, comforting words, anyone experience wierd and wild BP spikes as part of the whole anxiety/panic disorder picture????? I have grudgingly gone on lisinopril and my whole anxious self is much more worried about side effects from nasty meds than just dealing with the issue, but that nasty little blood pressure reading scared the dickens out of me, and until I can unwire my own anxiety response to the whole thing, I think I am getting stuck in an anxiety rut.

ANY insights VERY welcomed, and thanks!!! Tabs:flowers:

28-07-09, 18:35
Hi there,in January I was particularly anxious, had a PA while in the car so went to the local hosp.My bloodpressure was 180/90 - v high but came down once I calmed down.Physiologically it makes sense that blood pressure will be elevated when anxious & during a PA due to the increase production of adrenalin,what do you think? Doesn't adrenalin cause vasoconstriction - all those medical boffs out there - can you help us with this question?

28-07-09, 18:42
Docs don't usually prescribe medication based on one reading so has it been this high a lot?

You could have what is called "white coat syndrome" and that means it is always high when a doctor takes it.

They can do a 24 hour monitor which gives a more realistic picture of your blood pressure over the course of a day rather than a one-off reading.

28-07-09, 19:25
my blood pressure goes sky high when im stressed and because i have a awful medication phobia when they put me on bp pills it just went higher as i was so scared of the pills so they took me off them and i had a 24 hour monitor a few weeks back and get my results next week, but im sure like you its the anxiety that puts it up because when im calm and take it myself its fine