View Full Version : Do u find certain situations can trigger of anxiety or depression?

28-07-09, 16:52
I have always sort of noticed this but it became very obvious yesterday when returning to work after a 2 week holiday.

I would say I am more or less anxiety free these days, I've not had a panic attack in roughly 5 years, and just have normal anxiety that everyone has.
But after walking into work yesterday I suddenly became depressed, my personality changed from happy confident to feeling very low, The mood continued through out the day and suddenly lifted after leaving yesterday evening, same process today.

I have done a bit of research and the process is called anchoring, A way to explain this is, say for instance you hear a song on the radio that reminds you of an ex or one that always gets me is when walking past a bakery, and the smell of freshly baked bread always takes me back to my childhood when my mother would bake bread.

Unfortunatly I can't find how to reverse the process.

Work was just one example, if I walk into say the post office I feel rather uneasy, and the reason for this being I once had a panic attack in there,and even though I have recovered the sub concious still sends the signal that danger is present in that particular situation.

Do you get this? Or have you any advice?

29-07-09, 00:22
In situations like this, all I can do is accept and ride it through. As soon as I recognise what is happening, I tell myself it's OK, I'm not literally depressed and I'm not going to panic, it's just memories and I can ignore it. Being afraid of depression or pa's is enough to trigger anxiety, so I normalise it, accept the feelings and don't give fear a chance to build. Hope this helps.