View Full Version : Introducing Myself!!!

28-07-09, 20:38
Hi, I am really new to the whole 'panic attack' scene. For the past 3months I have had ongoing health problems and have now been prescribed medication for these.

I don't really know much about them, and have not spoken to the doctor at any length about them but I know I dont feel normal (well like I did previously!). I just wanted some advice really/someone to talk to about my symptoms etc as the internet is so confusing with help guides etc.

Sorry if I sound a bit vague! lucyfluff :)

28-07-09, 21:35
hi lucyfluff, im debs. im pretty new to the whole panic attack thing 2, well sort of, ive been having anxiety, depression and panic attacks now 4 about 9-10 months. this site is a great comfort to me, people have been lovely in giving advice and just being there really. i hope you find just as good. take care maybe speak soon, debs xx

magpie girl
28-07-09, 22:11
hi lucy and welcome,you will find the forum very friendly and above all helpful,its full of good advice,and you will find you are not alone:) :)

28-07-09, 22:13
Hi lucyfluff, :welcome: to nmp.

This is such a great site, and a LOT more helpful (and reassuring!) than Google! Ask anything, vent and read read read. There is so much info and support on here.

Take care :hugs:

29-07-09, 12:24
Thanks guys for your replies...I am so glad I started on this site everyone seems lovely.

I will be on the chat rooms hopefully after the 5day wait, am on day three of starting Citalopram and not feeling too great with nausea, dizzyness and general 'spaced out feeling'. Am hoping this will subside?!!?!?

Anyway will speak to you all soon thanks lucy xxxxx

30-07-09, 01:42
Hi Lucy

the side effects of citalopram tend to subside after 2-4 weeks and then they really start to work. Give them a fair chance, although the side effects beginning them can seem horrendous!!!

Good luck & take care


30-07-09, 09:04
Hi Lucy and welcome to NMP,
It's a great site that answers questions many other health professionals couldn't answer for me. The best thing is, it gives people to opportunity to talk to someone who has been through it or is going through it. One thing I wanted from the start. Use this to your advantage and remember use your doctor too! I started on Citalopram (20mg) and had a good couple of weeks Nd then felt like I hadn't taken anything. Back to square one :0(. But then I moved to 40mg and feel great!! The side effects of being spaced out fade in tome and soon you will notice a difference. Believe in yourself, we believe in you and you are already on the way to beating this. Hopefully I'll see you in the chat room when my 5 day wait is over too!
With all good wishes

30-07-09, 20:09
Thanks cakey and everyone else for getting back to me!

Have had an OKish day today, not so dizzy and have managed food! God i sound so miserable all I do is constantly moan!! :) ... cant wait till I can chat with everyone, am going up to my mums in Norwich on Saturday so she can look after me/my two boys for a couple of weeks so will borrow her P.C!

Speak to you soon xxxxxxx

30-07-09, 22:50
Hi there! :welcome: