View Full Version : I am new to this

28-07-09, 20:44
I suffer from anxiety when i am out of me comfort zone, tomorrow i am going away for 2 days to a place i love and have been loads of times but my problem is the long journey( i make myself believe i need the toilet all the time), i wont eat a lot because i may by sick or worse get an upset stomach and need the toilet more and finally all this makes me not able to relax and enjoy my break. The really stupid thing is i am the one who booked this break because i need to relax. Help!!!!!!!!

28-07-09, 22:06
Hi, :welcome: to the site!

I'm with you on the travelling thing. I don't do buses/coaches, boats, passenger in a car, planes without valium, actually trains without valium too now :wacko: . Last week, I booked a flight to Italy. Train to the airport, fly to Italy, bus from airport to train station on arrival, train to the coast, all in reverse a week later. I AM mad. And I'm getting the anxiety already, don't want to get up in the morning, don't want to go anywhere all day, don't want to go to bed at night...

So. Diazepam, anti-emetics, sea bands and acceptance of the very real possiblity that I won't actually board the plane. It wouldn't be the first time. But the flights were only £40 return, as I keep reminding myself.

If you're anything like me, once you get there you'll be fine (apart from worrying about all the trauma of getting home again - OH the upheaval of it all!!). But it will be worth it, you will enjoy it, and you WILL be glad you did it. Good luck xx

29-07-09, 07:22
Hi thanks for the kind words. I know I'll be fine and yes when i get there everything will be ok and worth every worrying thought.


29-07-09, 13:39

What I normally do is just stick the I-pod in on really long journeys - Turn it up loud - and close my eyes.
I'm into really heavy thrashy metal which people dont get how that is relaxing - But i think it really is as its loud and screamy and it kinda gets my anxiousness out :blush:

Hope you enjoy your break away!


31-07-09, 21:48
Hi I had a lovely time and didn't suffer from any anxious moments once. I found that a bottle of water with Rescue Remedy in it worked a treat. I felt that just reading about other peoples experiences helped me because i was not alone.
Tomorrow is the 1st august and i start to beat this!!!!