View Full Version : i think im dying soon

28-07-09, 21:56
OK so yesterday i got bitten by a stray cat. My health anxiety kicks in and i freaked out thinking im gonna die from Rabies. So i went to ER they cleaned the wound and gave me a shot and also antibiotics and told me that i can get a rabies shot if i want to. So i decided to be on the safe side and take the rabies shot although the cat seemed to be friendly and seemed to belong to someone. Now back to Rabies. Its a total of 8 shots and i got 3 today and im getting the rest this week and another one next week and so on. So after i get my rabies vaccine i start to freak out. I'm like what if they injected me with the actual disease and they made a mistake or something and im going to die. So i have been freaking out for the past 3 hours. I started searching on the internet and found this article. Here is a quote from the article.

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, who was unconditionally opposed to the rabies vaccine because of well-documented neurologic damage and death from it, tells of a medical officer in Canada, Dr. Peter Cole, who points to inferential evidence that the disease is not as readily communicable to humans as is commonly thought.
Source: http://www.vaclib.org/intro/rabies.htm

So now im sitting here freaking out thinking i might die from a neurological damage and im just waiting for my death. My anxiety is so bad now im like shaking and my derealization is so bad that i just want to die. God i dont know what to do. I DONT KNOW WUT TO DO!!!!!

28-07-09, 22:00
Calm down

There is no reason whatsoever to think they injected you with the wrong stuff and are going to kill you.

It is just your mind working overtime that is all.

29-07-09, 08:05
"what if they injected me with the actual disease and they made a mistake or something and im going to die"

there is no need to worry my friend... can you think of any reason why they have the "actual" disease?? and they are keeping it near the vaccine!!!???

I don't know if I am helping you, but I passed through this many times, and sometimes only a "slap" of reality can wake me up...

29-07-09, 12:31
step away from your thoughts!!!

They are only thoughts and not fact at all!!

You are not your thoughts and they do not control you Try and just change the subject for a while and clear your head and you will see the more rationale approach that everyone else can see, you are fine , I promise

Find something that really holds or demands your attention to do and so it for as long as you can tolerate and you will feel clearer again



29-07-09, 23:43
GOOGLE GOOGLE GOOGLE! I CONDEMN IT TO HELL! Was it google you saw the article?

I can't really say much cos I am so guilty of the G word but I swear to every God up there that google should come with its own health warning.

I literally typed in bruised fingernail (safe one cause I don't have it lol) and what you know?

RARE causes,mis diagnoses..

When really if you had one,you probably just jammed it in a God damn door!

I have to stop my googling.

Lord I am rambling. I'm on edge myself but I am sure you are alright petal. Distraction is always the best thing as hard as it is..honestly! I am trying just now. xxxxxx

30-07-09, 04:28
well things are not getting better here..i just developed a low grade fever and i have a very bad body ache and i feel very tired..im starting to believe that they inject me with the actual disease or i already got rabies before getting the vaccine..i know they are both very unlikely but i dont see why i should have a low grade fever..

30-07-09, 06:40
OK so yesterday i got bitten by a stray cat. My health anxiety kicks in and i freaked out thinking im gonna die from Rabies. So i went to ER they cleaned the wound and gave me a shot and also antibiotics and told me that i can get a rabies shot if i want to. So i decided to be on the safe side and take the rabies shot although the cat seemed to be friendly and seemed to belong to someone. Now back to Rabies. Its a total of 8 shots and i got 3 today and im getting the rest this week and another one next week and so on. So after i get my rabies vaccine i start to freak out. I'm like what if they injected me with the actual disease and they made a mistake or something and im going to die. So i have been freaking out for the past 3 hours. I started searching on the internet and found this article. Here is a quote from the article.

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, who was unconditionally opposed to the rabies vaccine because of well-documented neurologic damage and death from it, tells of a medical officer in Canada, Dr. Peter Cole, who points to inferential evidence that the disease is not as readily communicable to humans as is commonly thought.
Source: http://www.vaclib.org/intro/rabies.htm

So now im sitting here freaking out thinking i might die from a neurological damage and im just waiting for my death. My anxiety is so bad now im like shaking and my derealization is so bad that i just want to die. God i dont know what to do. I DONT KNOW WUT TO DO!!!!!

Perhaps you would like to read this about Dr Mendelsohn

Robert S. Mendelsohn (1926 – 1988) was an American (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) pediatrician (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pediatrician) who criticized his profession, inveighing against pediatric practice, obstetric orthodoxy and the effect of the preponderance of male obstetricians, and vaccination (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccination). He also opposed water fluoridation, coronary bypass surgery, licensing of nutritionists, and the routine use of X-Rays. For 12 years, Mendelsohn was an instructor at Northwestern University (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwestern_University) Medical College, and was associate professor of pediatrics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pediatrics) and community health (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_health) and preventive medicine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preventive_medicine) at the University of Illinois (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Illinois_at_Urbana-Champaign) College of Medicine for another 12 years.

The above is from Wiki'

I think you should forget what he said about rabies vaccine. Anyway according to this there have been NO cases of cat rabies in Canada. See information http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/anima/disemala/rabrag/statse.shtml


30-07-09, 12:21
well things are not getting better here..i just developed a low grade fever and i have a very bad body ache and i feel very tired..im starting to believe that they inject me with the actual disease or i already got rabies before getting the vaccine..i know they are both very unlikely but i dont see why i should have a low grade fever..

Sorry but even the term 'low grade fever' is google talk!!

You are very anxious about all this and if thats isnt a reason to feel hot and bothered then I dont know what is! This isnt happening really but to your emotions it is, of course your going to feel off colour your mind is telling your poor body to panic and so your body is repsonding well becuase it is so healthy - if you didnt that would be very weird indeed!!
You dont have rabies dear!!


16-08-09, 23:25
It is normal to feel rough after a vaccination. Your body is learning to fight the illness it is being vaccinated against. That's how it works. You will return to normal once your body's immune system has won the fight.

I cannot imagine a case where a person would accidentally be infected by rabies. It is not a common disease at all. Why would a medical centre have rabies in a syringe? Not even a biological warfare facility would have it.