View Full Version : Panic attacks have returned - very disappointed

28-07-09, 22:39
Hi all!

Just a bit about myself to begin with...

I started getting panic attacks over 4 years ago for no apparent reason at all on an aeroplane. Since that flight I was pretty much scared of everything and anything you could think of. I became very depressed but after a year and a half of CBT and a LOT of hard work I was able to overcome most of these fears and have even managed to fly again which is something I thought I would never be able to do!

However in the past few months I have seen this panic come back. It all started one day when I was swimming (something that I wasn't even scared of when I was experiencing this extreme anxiety before) and all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with fear. I continued going swimming but it really is a struggle and I don't find it relaxing anymore.

Anyway I also experienced very bad anxiety on trains which in the past week has also began to come back, so bad that I took a panic attak a couple of days ago on a train going to work. I also had a very bad fear of heights which I overcome but has again come back recently. I feel so disappointed and let down in myself as I thought I had conquered this and I have no idea why it came back.

Just wondering if anyone has been through something like this or if anyone has any advice?


29-07-09, 00:14
Hi. I don't think panic attacks ever go away totally. It seems all yours are linked to transportation in some way, but that might only be because those are the situations that you feel out of control in. Even with swimming, the water could overcome you. The reason the attacks are back could be something or a number of things totally different that have built to a point that you are feeling under pressure. If you are stressed, run down or tired for a prolonged period, it is more likely the attacks will return. I would advise you to take a look at what is happening in all aspects of your life right now - home, work, relationships, diet, sleep - and see if anything needs correcting.