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View Full Version : Headache after tooth extraction???

26-09-05, 17:26
Hi everyone,

Please tell me, is it right to have a headache after a tooth extraction, I had a large tooth removed from the lower right side earlier today and I have had a headache ever since, and a bad one too! I am worried sick as I never get headaches really!

Also I have just started eating chocolate again after missing it out of my diet for about 18 months due to thinking it had something to do with my missed heartbeats - I could no longer fight the cravings. Could this have anything to do with the headache, I only had about 3 maltesers last night though? - does anybody think chocolate has any effects on the body?

Worried Angie x (as usual)

26-09-05, 18:41
Hi Worried Angie, I'm Worried Linda LOL!!!!

I'm not sure about the chocolate thing. My nan always used to say cheese and chocolate cause headaches but really I think its an old wives tale.

I would think after being at the dentists it would make sense you would get a headache, cus sometimes toothache can cause a headache.

I too get missed beats and didn't even realise choc contained caffeine until recently, but I don't think its to blame. I get them all the time, nearly every day and can't find any way of getting rid of them. Do you still get yours?

Take care,
Love, Linda.x

26-09-05, 18:59
Yes, the headache is a normal occurrance after lots of yanking about for a deep molar.

Choc and cheese and redwine are well known migraine triggers , its thought that it is the tyramine and histamine in cheese and the phenylethylamine in chocolate but you'd already know if you were affected by these. Don't think its the 3 malteasers.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-09-05, 19:14
Hi Linda,

Thanks for the reply. Yes I do still get the missed beats some days worse than others. I truly beleive though that the only way they get better is when you accept that they are there, they are happening to you and there is nothing that you can do to change it - realise that they have not caused serious harm therefore are not serious. I was absoloutly terified of these, even lost my job over them as I would not go back after having a really bad attack of ectopics!
When I get them now I try to keep my breathing as normal as possible as it is very easy to suddenly take a deep breath in and start panicing as you probably know, I then think "right....this has happened so many times and I am fine....I will be fine" then they pass and they dont feel half as bad as they once did!
I know it is hard to beleive that as they feel so scary but I really beleive that this is a mind over matter thing, yes they will still occur now and again but its the way you react to them which decides on whether you can get on with your life without this troubling every day....does that make any sense to you?
I hate to sit here and sound like a preacher but I am telling you how I have managed to deal with them a little easier, but hey everybody is different and I beleive you will soon find your own way of making these funky beats easier to come to terms with too.
I have had every test possible I think and they have all confirmed that these beats are harmless....although they feel far from it!
Apparanlty every one experiences ectopic beats its only very few of us that are so in tune with our bodies that can actually feel them, aint we the lucky ones! lol
I do know one thing, they tend to be more scary if I am tired, so get plenty of sleep and also I think cutting stimulants such as caffiene/ciggarettes/alcohol out of your diet does help overall too as it makes them a little less frequent. Don't let them stop you doing too much though.
Anyway Linda, I think that you have nothing to worry about you are just reacting to these beats the same way anybody would it is just taking you longer to accept that they will not harm you, as it did me too.
You will get there ok. Take care and keep smiling.


26-09-05, 20:03
Thanks for all that Angie, I am trying really hard. I have cut out as much caffeine as possible, and also, because I'm pregnant have given up smoking and drinking, but I still get them!!!!

Like you said, we must be really lucky to be so in tune with our bodies LOL!!!!!!! I've got a hospital appointment tomorrow to discuss different things about the baby with my consultant so I can talk things through then.

Thanks for your support,
Take care,
love, Linda.xxx

Sue K with 5
26-09-05, 23:41
Hi Angie

I had two wisdom teeth extracted a few years ago under sedation and I had a stonking headache for about two days afterward, yes I would say it was perfectly normal, It is all nerve related and I still get neuraligia very badly when I am in need of any dental treatment

In answer to your question about choccie I eat it by the bucket load and I really dont think it has ever been the cause of my missed heart beats or racing heart, I actually find eating choccie can be quite stimulating and has actually been known to reduce my headache symptoms

Having a tooth extracted can be very stressful and even more so if you have a health anxiety

Please dont panic and relax and take it easy for a few days!!!

take care

Sue with 5


27-09-05, 20:08
Hi Angie,

I had a wisdom tooth out a few months back now and this caused me to have a headache for a few days. Even now my jaw hurts sometimes from where I was pulled around.

Regarding the chocolate, yes this is known to trigger headaches, although im not sure about 3 maltesers LOL. My dad use to suffer badly from headaches and ate a lot of chocolate. He cut the chocolate out and doenst get the headaches now.

I would be tempted this time to put it down to the extraction though.

Hope this helps

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

29-09-05, 13:20
Hi Angie,

Yes I had a molar pulled also and my dentist said that I would have a headache! So it is normal. As for the chocolate. I would say eat it and dont worry about getting a headache. Maybe you worry too much that is why you get headaches!


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