View Full Version : Some Quotes by Claire Weekes - update

26-09-05, 18:20
Well as Claire Weekes is helping me an amazing amount (as I'm sure she is for a lot of others too!) I thought I would make a list of some of her sayings. I'm going to keep them handy for me to view quickly when most needed (when I'm on my own during the day!) and I thought they might be useful for others too. Sorry if they get boring!!

"Recovery lies in 'Facing - Accepting - Floating - Letting time Pass"

"Understanding in itself releases some tension"

"The body will react just as naturally by healing itself when stress is removed"

"Inward thinking can be cured!"

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission"

"Float through it, don't Fight it"

"A set back is part of recovery!!"

"These symptoms do not really matter"

"Be Patient - we have to grow into recovery"

"Recovery always lies ahead - however painful the moment"

"They are only thoughts - however horrible"

"However long you have suffered, if you wish to recover then YOU CAN!"

"Thoughts that are keeping you ill can be changed - your approach to your illness can be changed"

"It is important to be able to tolerate being alone - otherwise you will spend your life running away from yourself"

"Coping, although frightened, is True Courage"

You have probably all heard them a thousand times but every time I read them they help me! Thanks so much to everyone who recommended her books - fantastic!

26-09-05, 18:57
I have both Claire Weeks books and they are very good at explaining your symptoms and how you can help yourself.... Its good to keep little sayings and mantras to keep you motivated in your recovery. [8D]

Take care


26-09-05, 19:09
hi tygwyn i havent read any of the claire weekes books but have seen lots of post about them would love to read one as some of saying do sound good i dont find it boring at all could you please give me the title to this book and any other books you could recomemed thanks denise xx


26-09-05, 19:10
Im also reading this book and finding it helpful. The only part I disagree with is that she says you can manage to do it without the aid of medication. I cant ever see me getting the feeling that I had back when I first started taking Cipramil. Wish I'd never come of the damned stuff.

26-09-05, 19:16
i also bought self help for your nerves after hearing about it from this forum and it is definately worth every penny!Whenever I get new symptoms or start to feel anxious I re-read sections over and over and then remember to face,accept, float and let time pass and more often than not it works :D The best piece of advice in her books is to float through it and not fight it, it works!

lucy x

26-09-05, 19:17
I love them!

I really should get one of her books. I especially like - Coping although frightened is courage.

Could read things like that all day!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

26-09-05, 19:53
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi tygwyn i havent read any of the claire weekes books but have seen lots of post about them would love to read one as some of saying do sound good i dont find it boring at all could you please give me the title to this book and any other books you could recomemed thanks denise xx


<div align="right">Originally posted by dream - 26 September 2005 : 19:09:20</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Denise

The book I've bought is Essential Help for you Nerves but I also read self Help for your Nerves which is great too.

You can get them www.play.com if you're interested - free delivery (and no I'm not on commission!! LOL). Just do a seach for Claire Weekes and both of her books come up!

Let me know what you think of the book if you get it - you certainly won't be disappointed!

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

26-09-05, 20:38
Think I'll order one too!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

26-09-05, 20:51
Thanks for those :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

26-09-05, 22:33
Hi Tygwyn

Thanks for that, have made a copy, they will be kept close to hand for those difficult moments.

Thanks again


27-09-05, 07:27
hi tygwyn thanks for that i will go looking later i will keep you updated on how i find them thanks take care denise xx


27-09-05, 10:34
I like:

"Recovery always lies ahead - however painful the moment"

Hold on to that thought all!

27-09-05, 10:50
What is the main difference between the books?

I have looked on Play and the 'Essential help' one seems to be more for nervous breakdowns and agrophobia whereas the other one seems more general but it out of stock! Am i write in thinking that 'Self-help' one is more general?

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

27-09-05, 13:55
I actually think that Self Help for the Nerves is better. I've just ordered it myself (had it from the library last time). It really focuses on each and every symptom whereas the Essential Help I found is more general.

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

27-09-05, 15:17
Hi Tygwyn,

Thanks so much for the quotes. Yes she really is fantastic and does understand.

They are so true my favorite is:

True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission"

Thanks again,

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

27-09-05, 15:44
Hi have just ordered the Self help one which was cheaper anyway!!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

27-09-05, 15:46
Glad you like the quotes guys. They get me through the days I've gotta be honest.

Here's some more if you're interested!

"The courage to go out and face any crisis, whatever it may be, is enough to dampen that crisis"

"Recovery lies in the places and experiences we avoid"

"A wave that breaks on the beach, however big, must always recede" (as does panic!)

"Let no vaguely imagined crisis spoil your life"

I'll add more as I find more in the book - if you all don't mind that is!

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

27-09-05, 17:47
I like that last quote!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

28-09-05, 06:58
I really like the "Recovery lies in the places and experiences we avoid" one.

This is a big one for me. All day for me is pretty much a constant battle at not giving in to fear. It definitely gets easier though.

Anyway thanks for the quotes, keep 'em coming!

20-10-05, 06:33
I am new to this forum and am so glad to find it. From all my readings I find Claire Weekes to be the best. I think she was a wonderful woman - she spoke on so many panic topics and her advice is so calming and helpful.

04-11-05, 12:30
Just read another quote that I really like:-

"When we learn to walk and live WITH fear, we eventually walk and live WITHOUT fear"

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

04-11-05, 12:42
Hi Tygwyn

I love reading quotes. When I first came to this site I would go in search for quotes, used this has a distractiion[^]

Thank you soooo much for sharing, there great and sooooo true.



24-04-13, 22:18
Thank you for the wonderful quotes by Claire Weekes.

I feel better just by reading them.

Well as Claire Weekes is helping me an amazing amount (as I'm sure she is for a lot of others too!) I thought I would make a list of some of her sayings. I'm going to keep them handy for me to view quickly when most needed (when I'm on my own during the day!) and I thought they might be useful for others too. Sorry if they get boring!!

"Recovery lies in 'Facing - Accepting - Floating - Letting time Pass"

"Understanding in itself releases some tension"

"The body will react just as naturally by healing itself when stress is removed"

"Inward thinking can be cured!"

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission"

"Float through it, don't Fight it"

"A set back is part of recovery!!"

"These symptoms do not really matter"

"Be Patient - we have to grow into recovery"

"Recovery always lies ahead - however painful the moment"

"They are only thoughts - however horrible"

"However long you have suffered, if you wish to recover then YOU CAN!"

"Thoughts that are keeping you ill can be changed - your approach to your illness can be changed"

"It is important to be able to tolerate being alone - otherwise you will spend your life running away from yourself"

"Coping, although frightened, is True Courage"

You have probably all heard them a thousand times but every time I read them they help me! Thanks so much to everyone who recommended her books - fantastic!

25-04-13, 08:59
thanks for these I will add them to my list of affirmations! I have posted a few below that I really like:

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Fear is as deep as the mind allows.

Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

One small positive action today can make a big difference to your future.

When you act as if you can do something, soon enough you will discover that you can.

There is light in every situation, open your eyes and let it pull you out of even the darkest places.

If you believe it, you can become it.

Believing you can do something is the first step to achieving it.

Fear does not control me, I will take action even when I feel afraid, I will live my life with courage and confidence.

Just a few there for you x

25-04-13, 10:25
I've jsut read 'Self-help for your nerves' and found some of it helpful, but realised that it was originally written 50 years ago so is very out of date. It was written in the era of electric shock treatment and before the advent of modern anti-depressants. Is it therefore worth reading a newer one? Which one would people recommend?

25-04-13, 19:00
I've jsut read 'Self-help for your nerves' and found some of it helpful, but realised that it was originally written 50 years ago so is very out of date. It was written in the era of electric shock treatment and before the advent of modern anti-depressants. Is it therefore worth reading a newer one? Which one would people recommend?

Her last book was written in 1989. only 24 years ago. What makes you think that because something is old that it is 'out of date'. What she wrote all those years ago is still just as relevant today as it was then.

It's that anxious part of your brain that tries to convince you otherwise.

What book would I recommend? I'd recommend you read the book again and treat every word like your life depended on it.

25-04-13, 19:14
Her advice wouldn't change now from what it was then, except for the fall of shock treatment. That is a tiny minority of the book and she stresses thouroughly that you can overcome this without it. It's my bible.

26-04-13, 10:28
I wish it was working for me - I really thought it sounded great, but I can't get past the first hurdle! If I try to accept my anxiety symptoms they just seem to feel worse! Must keep trying ...

---------- Post added at 10:28 ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 ----------

Her last book was written in 1989. only 24 years ago. What makes you think that because something is old that it is 'out of date'. What she wrote all those years ago is still just as relevant today as it was then.

It's that anxious part of your brain that tries to convince you otherwise.

What book would I recommend? I'd recommend you read the book again and treat every word like your life depended on it.

I'm not suggesting that the basic advice is not useful because it was given so long ago, but of course lots of things have changed in that time, quite a lot of it simply isn't relevant today. What I was asking for was people to suggest a newer book by her that I would find more helpful!

26-04-13, 11:21
I didn't find much of it at all that wasn't relevent :shrug: I haven't read any of her newer books myself and haven't heard much about them but I'm sure they are good if not better.
That's the thing with acceptance though...you're trying to accept. Stop trying ;) Just let them sweep over you, ride the waves, float past them, whatever you want to say.

26-04-13, 12:02
Claire weeks is brilliant-if you ignore the bits about shock therapy then the advice is as valid and current today as any book you could buy that was written yesterday.
The book is the one I got from the NMP shop-it is two books in one; essential help for your nerves and peace from nervous suffering. I read it all through to the end and then start back at the beginning again! I have also covered it in funky wrapping paper so I can read it in public without everyone seeing what it is!!

26-04-13, 12:09
Claire weeks is brilliant-if you ignore the bits about shock therapy then the advice is as valid and current today as any book you could buy that was written yesterday.
The book is the one I got from the NMP shop-it is two books in one; essential help for your nerves and peace from nervous suffering. I read it all through to the end and then start back at the beginning again! I have also covered it in funky wrapping paper so I can read it in public without everyone seeing what it is!!

I guess that's the one I ought to read, but I didn't want to spend any more money unless I was sure it would be helpful. Don't get me wrong, her basic advice I thought was brilliant, but we live in a very different world to that of the early 60s (I know - I was there!) and I felt chunks of the book related to an era that doesn't exist any longer when quite a lot of women were at home on their own in the daytime. Not that that matters of course - you can just ignore the parts that aren't relevant. I will try her newer book.

26-04-13, 12:12
I guess that's the one I ought to read, but I didn't want to spend any more money unless I was sure it would be helpful. Don't get me wrong, her basic advice I thought was brilliant, but we live in a very different world to that of the early 60s (I know - I was there!) and I felt chunks of the book related to an era that doesn't exist any longer when quite a lot of women were at home on their own in the daytime. Not that that matters of course - you can just ignore the parts that aren't relevant. I will try her newer book.

I don't think it matters whether you are based at home or at work-it is about applying her theory of accepting to whatever your situation is.
It is helpful for me as I'm agoraphobic so the women based at home can apply to me-even though I'm not a housewife.

I will add though that I also bought it for my friend as I thought it was so good but she hated it-I think it was too wordy for her. As with all therapies I think it may not suit everyone and if it doesn't help you it doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong it just isn't for you.

26-04-13, 15:55
I don't think it matters whether you are based at home or at work-it is about applying her theory of accepting to whatever your situation is.
It is helpful for me as I'm agoraphobic so the women based at home can apply to me-even though I'm not a housewife.

I will add though that I also bought it for my friend as I thought it was so good but she hated it-I think it was too wordy for her. As with all therapies I think it may not suit everyone and if it doesn't help you it doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong it just isn't for you.

Kells is totally right. The book is useless if it is not followed through in the way described. Sometimes people think they are facing, accepting, floating and letting time pass but they aren't. 'Essential help for your nerves' is great because it has lots of doctor-patient correspondance that picks up on all these sorts of issues.