View Full Version : ct scan question!!

29-07-09, 13:21
hi there!
Im new here just wondering can anyone help me.....i had a ct scan done recently as i was having weird stabbing pains in my head and some vertigo feelings...ct was all clear thank god but i was just wondering do inner ear problems show up on a ct scan?? im just worried now i have bbpv or something!! i know it prob sounds likes a stupid question but none my symptoms have gone away and im starting to worry again:huh:

29-07-09, 18:59
Ent surgeons generally do a mri scan for ears as CT is not very sensitive - ct is good for showing trauma and tumours - it was originally designed for traumatic head injuries but is not detailed enough to show the minutae of your inner ear. Mri scans go the other way and show up far too much of usually no significance that scare you witless - I know as I had mri scan for inner ear problems which showed no inner ear problem but what they thought might be ms lesions!! They admitted that mri is too sensitive and to not worry as loads of peopel get these results and never develop ms but you can imagine how I felt. 8 yrs on no ms and further mri scans have shown nothing changed in lesions and finally new more sensitive scanner and they decide they arent lesions anyway grrrrrr so years of worry for nothing.
If you had a brain tumour causing your problems then it would show up on CT or the result would warrant an mri scan to look in more detail.
Ct will not show up ms lesions. This is probably too much info but these are the kind of questions that I would ask.
If you are seriously worried then ask for mri scan or pay for one yourself but as you have had a clear CT it is extremely unlikely to be caused by anything serious.

29-07-09, 19:11
s**t i have a second referal to an ENT coming up & scared s**tless that i will have to have a scan for vertigo/dizziness incase they find somthing!

Nic x

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