View Full Version : An update...

29-07-09, 16:03
Hey guys,

Just thought i'd write a quick update on where i am at the moment.

I still feel pretty crap day in day out with this derealisation going on, but i've made some progress by admitting to myself that i feel bad because of anxiety and feeding it by more introspective, negative thoughts and not because i have lung cancer, HIV, lymphoma, a brain tumour, ME/CFS etc.

My doctor recommended i start CBT to change my thought processes, he also recommended i take a vit D or B12? can't quite remember. I'll be starting CBT when i return from my hols and the festivals i'm playing with my band if i still feel poo and anxious 24/7, who knows, maybe a good holiday is what i need.

On a more positive note i gave blood on monday, nice feeling, gave me a massive sense of self worth, the nurse even took pictures on my iphone so i could upload to facebook :blush:

Thats all for now,


29-07-09, 17:23
GREAT news! Just FYI...all the B vitamins help with mood an anxiety but be careful not to take too much of a good thing....your liver must break this stuff down and too much can be toxic. Take only as directed :)