View Full Version : Ears

29-07-09, 20:57
Have had ringing to various degrees in my head for a couple weeks now.

But about 10 mins ago my ears went funny like kinda something kinda blocking them for a min and now I hear the ringing more BUT also on my right ear I hear like a sound like the sea.

Do you get what I mean. I can still hear normally but im freaking out!

What is it?

29-07-09, 20:58
could it be fluid in the ear?

29-07-09, 21:04
how do u get fluid in the ear?

29-07-09, 21:38
fluid can build up in the inner ear either by not drying your ears properly after showering or with an infection with the inner ear, i get popping in my ears when i swallow its very annoying.

29-07-09, 21:43
A doc looked into my ears last week and said they were fine.

Ears feel abit better now but the damn rining is there. Really bloody frustrating it is!

29-07-09, 21:59
what about tinnitus, my dad suffers but has got better with time, only has it if he listens to loud music or hears a high pitch sound etc, have you been to docs?

29-07-09, 22:20
yeah been. Said no wax and ear drum fine. So what causes it?

30-07-09, 15:18
I have had this all my life - I suddenly seem to go deaf in one ear for a second feels really strange then the other ear rings loudly for a few seconds.
I thought it was just me but ages ago someone else posted on here about it and there was an avalanche of replies from people all saying they got it as well but thought it was just them! so it seems to be something that is very common but its only us with HA who worry about it:blush:

I also have other weird things with my ears - I will suddenly get a noise/sensation like someone beating my eardrum and if I stick my finger in that ear it goes away - maybe get it a few times a year thats all but once again weird.

I have had loads of ear tests including mri's and nothing wrong.