View Full Version : Help! Side effects...

29-07-09, 21:28
Hi. I am posting on here because I am having a really wierd day and think I just need reassurance that I will be ok.

I have been on beta blockers for anxiety/ panic attacks which are associated with emetephobia. (I have previously only posted on the phobia forum.) They have been making me feel so dizzy and awful that I had to finish work early today and I'm going back to the docs yet again tomorrow. Thing is, I have only taken 1 tablet today instead of 3 because I don't want to feel like that any more, now I feel all edgy and have palpitations. I also have IBS and my stomach is feeling really crampy and strange- I know it's anxiety making it worse but I'm in such a vicious circle and feel a mess! I haven't really got anyone to talk to who understands.
Can anyone just reassure me??:weep: :weep:

30-07-09, 18:30
Hi there. I didn't get on well with beta blockers myself as I found they exacerbated the symptoms i was trying to avoid with panic and anxiety! You don't say how long you have been on them which may be relevant to the question. I was only taking one a day too. I'd recommend you stop and go back to your GP. Anti depressants can help but they do only mask a problem. I am just starting out trying hypnotherapy. I'd give yourself some time off work too, trying to deal with going on new meds whilst maintaining the status quo just adds a lot of pressure on that you don't need. Let me know how you get on and I'll be happy to talk further about whats helped me.


31-07-09, 21:34
Thanks for your reply. I had only been on the beta blockers for about 2 and a half weeks but I just couldn't stand it any more! Haven't taken any since Weds and I'm ok now, almost back to normal. Haven't had any panic attacks either..so far so good!
I don't know if I'm going to try any other meds but if I do I think I will take your advice & take some time off to get used to them!
I'm waiting to have CBT too so hopefully that will do some good.
