View Full Version : blood test results

27-09-05, 10:29
hi there this might be under the right topic

i had a blood test last tuesday and got the results back today and my blood sugar levels were ok but i was told i would be getting a phonecall from a nurse today about my cholesterol level and that has made me panic like mad because my cholesterol level has allways been borderline or high and keep getting told by different doctors that i need medication for it but never been put on it

im nervous as hell now waiting for a phonecall and worrying like mad which has in turn started me off with a panic attack
cos i know that high cholesterol can cause serious heart problems if left untreated and mine has been untreated for over 3years that i know of. high cholesterol runs in my dads side of the family as he has had it longer than i have and he has had 3 strokes in the past 16 months but his gp has put him on medication for it.

sorry to whine on but im feling really scared at the moment until the nurse rings me back after lunch time


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

27-09-05, 11:59
Hi Darren,
Try not to worry until you get the phone call. If it's only slightly high they will possibly give you dietry advice on how to bring it down, if it's high you may get medication. I doubt it will have caused any serious damage yet, they will sort it out before it does that. I think it has to be very high for a very long time along with other factors to damage your heart.
Thinking of you.

27-09-05, 15:26
hi lisa thanks

the nurse wrang back and said there was nothing to worry about as my cholesterol level was 5.8 when it should be 5.0 or under so its only slightly high but she said not to worry and she was going to send me some dietry sheets out about trying to lower it [Sigh...] what a relief

thanks for your concern lisa


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

27-09-05, 15:45
Hey darren,

that's good then, just a bit of work and you'll be healthier!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

27-09-05, 16:48
Lethicin and real porridge oats do quite a lot of it for you along with exercise.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-09-05, 18:07
That's good news Darren.


28-09-05, 08:03
Hi all

Thanks for all your support i really appreciate it
im feeling better apart from the dreded right sided chest ache
another part of pa's it takes me ages to recover from a panic attack


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part