View Full Version : Dental Sedation for Panic-Attack sufferers?

30-07-09, 11:12

I suffer from PA for years, and the thought of going to a dentist is a big "no-no!".

Sadly, now its time for a visit at the dentist, I had a visiting dentist a few months ago, but due to a big gag-reflextion, and general anxiety, no work was carried out, only a check-up.

Recently, I read about Dental Sedation (ie IV sedation), and it looks perfect for someone who suffers from Dental Anxiety and Panic attack - luckily, i will be moving to a new house in a month or so time, where there are two dentists in the same street that offers this services (all be it I have to pay for it).

I would like to know if there is anyone on this forum who suffers from PA who had IV, and what there experience was? did it help? were you aware of your surroundings etc?

30-07-09, 18:14
hi pete... yes ive got to the point where i needed to go the pain was unbearable .. firstly your own dentist or a emergency one should refer you to a nervous patient dentist.... i arrived 1 hour early and they came out and spoke to me ... the needle in the arm i can cope with no swear i then pointed out what if i have a heart attack and they looked at me as if i was mad and then i thought sod this and went to get up and get out of there... next thing i know i was in a taxi minus 5 teeth. the cost oh i work but still only paid £32.00. getting to that stage again but still worried but when i make appointment i wll tell them soon as i get there just stick the needle in ... good luck my friend i was unaware until i was standing up and it all took 15 minutes

30-07-09, 18:20
I had this many years ago and can honestly say I knew nothing about the treatment, the first I was aware of was when the dentist said it was all finished, must admit the rest of the day was a bit of a blur and I had to have someone come to the dentist to collect me but it was fine.


31-07-09, 02:33

I suffer from PA for years, and the thought of going to a dentist is a big "no-no!".

Sadly, now its time for a visit at the dentist, I had a visiting dentist a few months ago, but due to a big gag-reflextion, and general anxiety, no work was carried out, only a check-up.

Recently, I read about Dental Sedation (ie IV sedation), and it looks perfect for someone who suffers from Dental Anxiety and Panic attack - luckily, i will be moving to a new house in a month or so time, where there are two dentists in the same street that offers this services (all be it I have to pay for it).

I would like to know if there is anyone on this forum who suffers from PA who had IV, and what there experience was? did it help? were you aware of your surroundings etc?

Hi I get panic attacks if i have to have a tooth extracted. I have IV sedation and am unawhere of what is going on around me its brilliant


31-07-09, 02:35
Hi I get panic attacks if i have to have a tooth extracted so i have IV sedation. its brillant you can see people around you but are unawhere of what is happening. Its very relaxing. I hope this helps

Claudette Lawrence

31-07-09, 09:39
I hadn't been to the dentist for 12 years because of agoraphobia and panic attacks. My teeth are disgusting. I've had (so far) over 3 or 4 years about 5 treatments under dental sedation and i love, love, love it....

It's wonderful...couldn't say anything bad about it....

31-07-09, 10:16
I was petrified of the dentist but had IV sedation twice for tooth extractions. When anyone mentions to me about having a dental phobia I always recommend IV sedation. I was nervously talking away to the dentist while they were preparing, even laughing; next thing I knew I was coming round from the tooth extractions and couldn't remember a thing! Can't recommend this highly enough but you would need someone to accompany you home afterwards.

Best of luck :hugs:

31-07-09, 22:44
I have recently made a post about this exact same thing in procedures. I recently had this. The IV made me feel very drunk, i did still feel a little scared and had a little cry but before i knew it it was all over and i was in the recovery ward with two teeth missing. I hardly remember anything of the procedure and i'm hoping i wont be as scared next time i need to go. xx

31-07-09, 23:58
I never make morning dentist appointments due to my gag reflex.
I take sedatives, like a tablet.
have you tried that first???
I saw the IV sedation on t.v,
the guy had a phobia of dentist and he did quite well.
he was still awake but very sedated.
the girl with a dentist phobia on the other hand, was so worked up the dentist said that he could not work on her because she was too anxious and even with the sedation, he was worried he may have to stop and when you start working on a tooth it's not good to leave it unfinished.
I do admire you for at least trying to find ways of going to the dentist.

01-08-09, 03:47
Oh man ... the dentist.

I need to go too. I actually tried, not too long ago, but I freaked out and the dentist couldn't work on me. The IV sedation sounds like a good idea. I'm concerned about an allergic reaction though.

26-10-15, 14:32
The IV made me feel very drunk, i did still feel a little scared and had a little cry but before i knew it it was all over and i was in the recovery ward with two teeth missing.