View Full Version : Meds & Anxiety

27-09-05, 17:34
I realise that this topic has been covered by many other members.

I have made an appointment for later in the week to see my GP about using prescription meds to get control of my anxiety.

I must say that compared to how I was two-three weeks ago, my levels have decreased, but symptoms are still around and the level easily increases, when situations arise that are slightly off the norm.
Like this evening my Dad is coming round for tea - its his birthday - but my anxiety levels have been up all day.
The last time we had him around for a meal, was when my panic attacks returned, nothing to do with my dad, I get on well with him and he has been to our house since, but obviously my sub conscious mind associates this event with panic.
Don't feel like this when my partners mum comes round a couple of times a week.

Anyway - was seeing the GP about Meds, but reading other postings the thoughts of side effects are putting me off. I was going to go with a list of meds used on this site (SSi's) and discuss with the GP what they thought. Any advice please.

Also - I have had this for a long time, I do drink quite a lot of water and juices throughout the day, but say for 2 hours or so after breakfast and lunch, I seemed to have a big thirst, this is not so much after evening meals, I drink consistantly throughout the day. Is this just part of the stressed state.
I avoid salt - never eat pre-packed food - plenty of fruit and veg, brown bread etc anyone any thoughts on this also.


Sue K with 5
28-09-05, 00:00
Hi Mikey

Its very hard for anyone who has never taken medication to not concern themselves with the side effects, what I would say is that people react very differantly to their medication! I am on cipramil and I had minimal side effects certainly none which caused me any major concerns, but then I had a phobia about medication for years which stopped me from taking them.

First thing to say is dont let this ruin your chances of a speedier recovery process, your GP would not give you anything which would harm you and would discuss this with you very carefully before agreeing to put you on any kind of medication.

In respect to your drinking, I would suggest you have a check up whilst your down there and discuss this with her at the same time, I tend to drink more in the evenings so I have the opposite to you but I spoke to my Gp and she said it was anxiety related

Anyway Take care and good luck

Sue with 5


28-09-05, 01:29
I would say that as long as diabete's has been rulled out for your thirst the drinking is proberly anxiety related but getting diabete's rulled out is a very good idea if you have not had it rule out yet.

I have so many symptom's of diabete's and have many test for it over the year's but I never knew till recenlty that the same symptom's can be caused by anxiety have yet to talk to my dr about it.