View Full Version : Wierd Spells, Anyone Have Ideas?

30-07-09, 15:59
Wondering if this is really anxiety. IT's really HARD to describe but here goes:

I had this weird spell last November in grocery store. I was pushing a cart full of groceries and suddenly felt this weird feeling in my head. Nothing was spinning but I guess maybe it was some kind of dizziness, I really don't know. I then felt like I was weak and my muscles were really stiff and heavy feeling. I felt like I could barely move. I had to call my hubby to pick me up.

Anyway, that was months ago and I have been glad that I haven't felt that way since. Not until this week. I have had the same feeling 3 times this week while cooking supper. It's like I'm almost finished preparing the food and it hits. I then make it to the couch and lie down for a few minutes. After a while I am okay. I have really tight muscles. Tight calf muscles in back of legs, tight upper back, shoulder and neck muscles. I have also been having problems with my right shoulder. Not really pain in the joint but if I do a lot with it (like right now, typing this, it is getting really tight. It is sort of like a pulling down the inside of my arm from the shoulder to the elbow. Like right now, it is hard to type.

Anyway, it seems like when I get this awful head feeling that I am always doing something with my arms, like preparing food, shopping, pushing cart, moving my head around a lot, etc. I wonder if everything getting tight could make my head feel this weird. It is so scary. When it happens I feel like I can only take small shuffling steps because my legs feel so stiff.

I have been feeling more off in the head this past week. Felt a wave of dizziness when washing my hair in the shower. It was when I had my arms up shampooing, I felt like for a split second I had to grab onto something.

Anyway, I won't go on and on, I know my symptoms are strange, I went to a neurologist a few years ago and I had lots of MRIs on head and neck. Just wondering if ANYBODY had any ideas. I am also seeing a chiropractor. My spinal xrays are improving, but my muscles sure aren't getting any better.

Thanks to all who read this long post.


30-07-09, 16:07
It sounds like a combination of neck probs( but that doesnt tally with your legs) making you feel dizzy .Maybe the cart was too full??...... But the legs prob could be connected to panicking about the dizzyness. One kicking off the other if you know what i mean. I'm no expert but i do understand neck probs. good luck and be gentle on yourself xx

30-07-09, 16:14
Yes, I think that sometimes when I get the awful feeling in my head that my legs do go weak and heavy (probably the adrenalin flowing). My low back has been feeling extra tight and sore lately. I can't bend towards touching my toes very far at all. I stretch my hamstrings and I can bend further but they always tighten back up. I guess I'm a real MESS.

Thanks for replying.


30-07-09, 16:33
naaaaaaaa youre not a mess......youre just worried xxx

31-07-09, 00:31
Hi Ro44

I get similar to wot u are describing

Iv had them for years. I can get them when im cooking, washing up, even when i was filling up car with petrol.

They do scare me, even though my dr says they are due to anxiety.

love mandie x

02-08-09, 01:24
Sounds like panic attacks. Head rushes and occasional moments of dizziness are normal: if you have had MRIs which came back clean, there is nothing to worry about, you are experiencing nothing that will put you in any danger. If you do feel very dizzy, sit down and lean forward with your head between your knees or lie down if convenient to do so until you feel better. Your body will restore its natural balance as soon as it can.