View Full Version : depressed boyfriend please help

30-07-09, 16:49
i need some advice from people going through depression as how to help my boyfriend who is suffering from depression.
it all started a few months back when he started having really bad night terrors and anxiety attacks. we went to the doctors and he was given citalopram 40mg and referred on for therepy as he has had quite a hard life which is obviously the root of the problem.
lately he has been more depressed and had servere mood swings, every thing gets him in a bad mood to the extent where he wont even be in the same room as me, i apreatiate that he dosent want to take it out on me so he walks off but its just so hard to live with, i feel so pushed away, i just want to help him.
i know it isnt his fault, he just cant ever seem to shake his anger off or distract himself. at the moment he is in this angry state for most of the day, i only see bits of the old him briefly and i really miss the way he was, he barely shares the bed with with me anymore he would rather sleep on the floor or the balcony than share i bed with me. i try my best to help him but nothing works. sorry to go on, any advice would be very much appreaciated.

sarah x

30-07-09, 23:50
Hi Sarah

I feel for you - it's the same for my husband. He is so good and supportive but sometimes he can't do right for doing wrong!!!!! When I snap at him then I feel so guilty as he's so good to me. Just be there for him - it will get better BUT it's not easy to either suffer depression or to care for them. PM me anytime you need advice or just to rant & rave!!!

take care - when your celebrating your 25th anniversary all this will be a distant memory.......
