View Full Version : Pregnant and really breathless

30-07-09, 22:24
Hi there...

Im 14 weeks preg now and posted a thread in May sayign how scared i was etc etc....
The last few weeks i have not even thought about anxiety etc... i just seemed to have forgottena bout it.. think id been so busy with sickness, backache bla blah.....

Now im 14 weeks and i feel so brethless all the time... i am constantly worrying and aware of my breathing and wondered.... is my anxiety or panic back or this just a normal pregnancy problem..

Its so annoying and getting me down

any suggestions would be great

thanks amz x x

31-07-09, 00:12
As the baby grows, your stomach and everything gets pushed up out of the way making less room for your lungs to expand fully, so it's common to feel breathless during pregnancy. I think that you should mention this to your doctor or midwife - they should be aware of anything at all that worries you during this time. Good luck.

02-08-09, 13:55
Im 35 weeks pregnant and my anxiety and panic has been awful since about 15 weeks the doc put me back on meds and they worked for a while but my anxiety has returned :-( I quite often feel breathless and also get palpitations.
Mention it at your next appointment with your GP or midwife just for reassurance xxx

02-08-09, 14:30
Breathlessness in pregnancy can also be a sign of anaemia so definately mention it o your midwife at your next antenatal check up

12-08-09, 18:53
Hi, Amz, i'm 17 weeks today, and i've been feeling like i cannot take a full breath for a while and if i even walk a bit faster just for a bit, i'd get short of breathe. But i get a bloating feeling as well as the growing of the uterus and that makes it much worse. If u wanna talk just pm me. I've been really worrying what's it gonna be like to breathe at 6th, 7th, 8th month as my tummy grows.

12-08-09, 19:55
Heya hun, its soooo common i had it and from about week 12 by week 39 i couldnt really take a deep breath so common, so normal,
