View Full Version : MS scare really getting into me

31-07-09, 03:26
i was just wondering how some people say you should stop thinking about MS when all my symptoms match

i get these sharp pains in my fingers, arm, legs, toes 40 times a day and the pain lasts for 1-2 sec and comes back every now and then

i also get muscle twitches all over my body...and when im falling sleep my whole body shakes and i have no control over it..

here are also some other symptom of MS that i can relate 100%

Fatigue . This is the most common symptom of MS. It is typically present in the mid afternoon and may consist of increased muscle weakness, mental fatigue, sleepiness, or drowsiness.

Abnormal sensations. Many people with MS experience abnormal sensations such as "pins and needles," numbness, itching, burning, stabbing, or tearing pains. Fortunately, most of these symptoms, while aggravating, are not life-threatening or debilitating and can be managed or treated.

how can i not think about MS when i see my symptoms all match with MS. I havent done an MRI from my head yet. because my doctor thinks everything i say is anxiety related.

i was just wondering for people who have researched about MS i have heard that with MS the sharp pain and muscle twitching happens only on one part of the body. Like you would get a sharp pain in your legs and numbness and just that not anywhere else in your body. How true is that? Like the muscle twitching happens all over my body its just not one part of my body. The sharp pain and random shooting pains mostly happen in my right arm and that is the main reason its been making me a little worried.

Is MS related to genetics? no one in my family has it. Does this lower the chance of me having it? i have also done an MRI from my neck, but im pretty sure MS would show on head MRI and not neck. I dont really get numbness as like i dont feel my hands. I just get random shooting pains and sharp pains in my body and recently its more focused on my right hand.

Once i remember posting on this MS forum and everyone said that their MS started one day with loss of vision, eye pain, pain in one leg/arm. No one really said that it started all over my body. But im still kind of worried. I'm seeing my family doctor tomorrow to get my fourth Rabies shot. I will tell him that im scared of having MS again maybe he can somehow give me some relief that what im experiencing is Anxiety and not MS.

I have been also urinating at night like i wake up few times during the night and go to bathroom although i dont urinate a lot. I just get the feeling that i need to go. And this has been happening in the past few months nothing i had before. ANd i dont drink 2 hours before going to bed. And i was reading symptoms of MS and this is one of them !!!

31-07-09, 09:49
Well you have got yourself in a state.........stop worrying , from what I can see the most of your symptoms are anxiety related . the best way to find out if you have MS is to get a referral to a neorologist and get an MRI scan which will show if the nerve sheaths are damaged. I thought ( like you ) that I had ALL the MS symptoms until I had a clear MRI scan .........good luck and be gentle with yourself xx Ive just re-read your post and its the neck MRI that is important as the nerves all run throght the neck ........xx

21-08-09, 00:48
Those descriptions of symptoms leave out a lot of important details. My brother has MS and I'm suffering from MS although I don't have it :) First of all, what is characteristic for MS symptoms is that they are solid. If you get a lesion that makes a hand go numb it will stay numb, day and night, until it might recede slowly after some weeks. The myelin is shaved off and it might slowly regenerate partially and the brain re-routes traffic around the lesion. It does not go on and off. On-off symptoms spread out over the body are very indicative of anxiety and very un-indicative of MS. Fatigue is just as characteristic of anxiety as of MS, if not more. You have to realize that the cortext where your anxiety sits is not magically above the white matter that handles input and output to your body, they are connected.

21-08-09, 00:56
To add something... MS is horrible for hypochondriacs: it is random attacks against the central nervous system and hence it can give a tremendous variety of symptoms. But the vast majority of MS cases do not begin with small diffuse symptoms, it begins with optical neuritis, a paralyzed leg, a numb foot. Things you notice and typically one single and very clear thing... not a whole bunch of diffuse things that move about. I can reassure you that I've had every single one of your symptoms (btw. the little twitches are not even potential MS symptoms, the only serious thing they can indicate is ALS but you'd be in a wheelchair before you noticed that. It is, however, something about every single anxiety sufferer has). Hope you get better!

21-08-09, 05:16
I had myself convinced I had MS 12 months ago - it was all just anxiety sypmtoms all very similar in which you have mentioned.

I also came to my own conclusion that if I DID have MS - then I could deal with it. If that was the worst to ever happen to me then I had a good run. That helped clear a lot of symptoms up:blush:

21-08-09, 15:10
I have all those symptoms and I don't have MS

24-06-12, 18:48
i know is a old post but... i am having kind the same problem right now, what i am freaking out is about that i have trouble to urinate, bladder retention i guess, i never heard of anxiety giving bladder retention !! i hope is not MS but if it is that wont make me stop living though and i will keep rocking(i am a guitarist touring in Asia and Mid-East)