View Full Version : Travel sickness - meds without sideeffects?

31-07-09, 10:52
I'm new to travel sickness, as a kid we used to travel for hours on end, no problem. Now i'm 25 and i get travel sick travelling for litrally 5 minutes.
I suffer from panic attacks and ill health too so on top of this is really an awful thing to go through.

Tomorrow (Saturday) i have to tavel in the car for an Hour and a half and i'm dreading it, i have severe emetophobia, which of course brings on panic, which makes me feel worse, its a vicious circle.

Im getting some travel bands tonight, and possibly some ginger biscuits though im worried about eating in the car.

Are there any tablets or natural remedys preferably without side effects (it's taken me up until a few months ago to even have the courage to try parocetomol, sp?).

Any advice?

Thank you xxx

01-08-09, 16:17
i would recommend travel sick tablets as they seem to make you fall asleep which can help and obviously if you believe they will work, this can help you to be ok.

04-08-09, 09:27
OMG miss moose - you are EXACTLY the same as me. Panic attacks, severe emetophobia...

I just don't go anywhere anymore, if I can help it. Not the answer really. When I do have to I use sea bands, take joyrides occasionally, take diazepam if I have to, carry plenty of water, do the driving myself (preferably with no passengers). I also take motilium 10 - as an emet you might have tried it? My doctor prescribed it to me when I was 14 and suffering from really bad anxiety stomach cramps, and I rediscovered it a few years ago.

I won't take anything that has even the tiniest risk of making me feel ill - the joyrides, diazepam and motilium are fine.

I keep wondering if I do actually get travel sick, can it actually start when you're an adult? I was fine up until I was about 21 - which was around the time my anxiety/panic stepped up a gear... It could just be the anxiety itself, but there's always that doubt in my mind - maybe it really is travel sickness and if I travel far enough I will be ill. And that increases the panic :wacko:

My 12 year old son recently went to Spain with his grandparents - the return flight was delayed and there was a possibility they wouldn't be able to get a train from the airport when they got back. I couldn't go pick them up, I just couldn't. My own baby :weep:

A couple of weeks ago I had to take valium when 20 miles from home because I didn't think I'd make it to my destination, let alone back home again.

I hope you managed to get through Saturday without too much trauma :hugs: :hugs:

For future trips try - window open, music, travel bands, stopping for 5 or 10 minutes if you need to, sip water, concentrate on breathing well (usual anxiety/panic helpers!). Carry some travel pills, just having them with you will help calm you.


04-08-09, 11:54
Thank you for your replies.
I had the travel bands and on the way there i was fine, we were going on windy country roads and i didnt feel sick.
On the way back though, after an hour of travelling i felt really rough, and it took me a few hours to feel ok again once we'd got home.

I haven't tried any meds at all, the side effect worry, but i will look into those you recomended.
