View Full Version : sorry very strange post for girls

31-07-09, 11:00
Sorry ladies but wondered if any one mind sharing how long in days and how heavy they get their period

Just wondereing because mine are not all that heavy and wondered if maybe that was okay and maybe even common with anxiety


31-07-09, 15:38

Either my post is very wierd or maybe I am:blush:

Just saw so many views and no replies,

Hope it isnt offending anyone, just really wondered if mine is abnormal or not


31-07-09, 15:44
some people dont hardly know its the time of the month some of my friends are like that. If you are on the pill it can do that but i wouldnt worry about it.

31-07-09, 16:08
Thanks Denise

Not on the pill because it gives me horrid symptoms. Thanks for answering was starting to panic that my thread was too strange


31-07-09, 16:39
3-4 days....some months are heavier than others for me. I usually have a few days of spotting then 2 days of bleeding.

31-07-09, 16:42
3-4 days....some months are heavier than others for me. I usually have a few days of spotting then 2 days of bleeding.

Thanks stressed32 - I am roughly the same so that s good to know, thank you sweetie


Carla louise
31-07-09, 16:47
Hi Lisa, the thread was not at all strange, us girls all have the same worries. Mine varies sometimes very light, sometimes fairly heavy, seems to be lighter if I have exercised frequently and if I am anxious x

31-07-09, 16:47
Oh god you don't want to know Lol
Mine last about 4/5 days and the first two days are manic! Extremely heavy and i feel like my overies are going to fall out! Lol

31-07-09, 17:39
Hi Lisa

I was on the mini pill and the periods would last about 3-4 days and were very light.

They took me off the pill and I also have fibroids and now they are really heavy and last 5-6 days!

31-07-09, 18:37
This is totally normal. Mine vary from month to month. I find that when I get a lot of pain - pain whereby I cannot walk because of the pain in my legs and wanting to throw up - I am very light but when I hardly have any pain at all I am heavier!! I normally last 3/5 days although my last period didn't actually totally disappear for about 7 days.
Hope this helps

31-07-09, 19:46
just have had mine and it lasted 5/6 days - normally lasts 2/3 days and is very light so thought maybe anxiety made it heavier!!!!!!

31-07-09, 20:54
Just finished; I was Sunday to Thursday - with Sunday-Wed very heavy with very bad cramping.. which is quite normal for me but not good all the same. Going to see GP in a week or so and going to ask about Minera Coil to see if this could make a difference - also to see if it can reduce the two weeks of horrendous PMT I seem to get lol

magpie girl
31-07-09, 22:25
mines 5 days the first 3 very heavy and i feel like im passing a golf ball when i ovulate:blush: :blush: my anxiety increases as well

01-08-09, 18:48
Sometimes mine are so light that i dont even have to wear a pad but then other times im changing a super night pad four times a day. Once, i was so heavy that blood dripped all over the bathroom floor as i pulled down my underwear (sorry for tmi).

01-08-09, 20:17
I used to get Pain on the first day, no pain but heavy bleeding on the second then it would just ease down over 5 or 6 days. now i get hardly any pain if any at all, i put it down to more exercise and more vitemin D, but its heavy ish for a day or two.

03-08-09, 10:47
Thanks ever so much girls

Feel a lot better to read that everyone different.:yesyes:

Thanks again


03-08-09, 12:15
i can have up to 1 week of spotting, very low mood and high anxiety
then 2-3 days of floods, and bad cramps

can have very low flow as well sometimes.

I had no periods for over a year due to anxiety and depression, and as gyenacologist told me - period are the last to normalise when you have anxiety and depression. Its the signal to the brain that you are normal and ready to reproduce. And when we are anxious in panic and depressede - we are obviously not ready. Anyway all bosies are different, and to be more relaxed is the way to normalise all the processes in our bodies.

03-08-09, 13:25
Thanks Thumbalina, thats really helpfull.

I do remember that when i was super anxious for a period last year, after i had calmed down, I missed a period. Its like there was a delay in it happening but i guess that i had upset my hormone balance with my anxiety and it didnt show till a little later.


04-08-09, 06:22
Hi there Lisa

Got mine Friday and it finised yesterday....horrible PMS, low mood, high anxiety, realllly sore boobs, soreness around my pelvis...shooting pains through my butt..

It lasted 4 days the first 2 were horrible and very heavy and the pain was pretty bad, the 1st it it felt like my ovaries and uterus were at war lol

04-08-09, 07:13
It's different for everyone. Mine Typically lasts 4-5 days total, but it's RIDICULOUSLY heavy the first 2 days. Mega cramps, thigh cramps too, I feel exhausted, etc. The 3rd day it's "normal" and the 4th and 5th are usually very light... if there even is a 5th.

It also tends to change with time. I'm 30 now. When I was in my teens and early twenties it was pretty heavy, similar to this but not quite as bad. When I was in my mid to late twenties it was fairly light. My gyno says "women just change sometimes".

I would go see yours just to be 100% sure everything is fine, but honestly I wouldn't worry until then. As long as they are still happening and are fairly regular.. and you have no abnormal pain... you're most likely fine. Hormones are wacky things. :)

07-08-09, 11:36
Thanks very much for your replies girls


07-08-09, 15:59
A week before I come on my period. I get light headed, feel sick, tired, depressed, mood swings, And I get the runs (TMI) :blush: and really bad cramps! I hate it. I always come on 2 days early each month. Last month I came on the 11th so this month will be the 9th strange I know :blush: I normally last 5 days the first 3 days being really heavy. My anextiy goes sky high when im due on. I get alot more ectopic beats as well.

Am I normal ladys :weep:

07-08-09, 16:17
A week before I come on my period. I get light headed, feel sick, tired, depressed, mood swings, And I get the runs (TMI) :blush: and really bad cramps! I hate it. I always come on 2 days early each month. Last month I came on the 11th so this month will be the 9th strange I know :blush: I normally last 5 days the first 3 days being really heavy. My anextiy goes sky high when im due on. I get alot more ectopic beats as well.

Am I normal ladys :weep:

I get all those things too sweetie except not very heavy at all. I get the runs too and also IBS pain that feels like period pain too. Mine are always 25 days apart to the day, dont know if that is weird or not!!
