View Full Version : so so sick of this now!

31-07-09, 11:41
hi i am new here been suffering from panics/ deppression for over 10 years now am 30 yearss old! when or will it ever end??? i cant sit still my mind races my head hurts!!!!! any one eles feel this way??? i have been on and off the medication i am currently having cbt for ocd... was put on prozac a few weeks back and it made me worse like 100 times worse so switched to citalopram 2 weeks ago started to feel a bit better but yesterday the panic started to creep in the restlesness is back and the tension headaches! is this all in my mind???? is there others out there who feel this way or am i just mad! all answers advice very welcome:)

31-07-09, 18:58
lajjj...i feel your pain...i have def been there at many points in my life...but it always passes...trust me..emotions, thoughts and feelings are temporary..

Its good that you are seeking med help for this, but what about therapy? It sounds like you have some fears that need to get worked through, that will make you much more confident about your life....

One thing to remember is that, you have always handled everything up this very moment, and there is no reason to believe you won't in the future...believing you can't handle something is what holds anxiety sufferers back...but in truth, its a complete lie...there is nothing that you can't handle...these symptoms, while odd feeling, are all natural symptoms of anxiety...nothing to be afraid about in and of themselves...just do your best to sit with them, acknowledge their presence, and let them pass...do you know that it only takes about a minute for the biochemistry of fear to dissolve within the body if you just allow it to pass...

Some books that have helped me

Anxiety Free - Robert L. Leahy
Get out of your mind and into your life - Stephen Hayes
Loving What Is - Bryon Katie (you can find videos of her on youtube)
Sedona Method - Hale Dwoskin

And then there are some good methods to releasing fear and anxieties that you can google, and download how to do it for free

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Tapas Accupucture Technique

The Work by Bryon Katie

31-07-09, 20:26
I can sympathise with you. I was just looking for re-assurance on here when I came across your post.

I am currently on prozac and a week into being increased to 40mg. I'm also on propanalol.

My anxiety was awful in the first 2 weeks of taking medication then it subsided so I'm hoping this feeling will - although I cant see it.
For the last few days/week I have this horrible feeling - I dunno if its in my neck and shoulders head or both - i cant really describe it. I just dont know what to do with myself.
I feel like i'm going mad my mind races and throws stupid thoughts at me and I cant see it getting better - I just dont know how I can spend the rest of my life feeling like this. I just feel on edge/strange - I'm over sensitive, and dont feel like I could cope if anything major was to happen.

I know I'm better than I was as I couldnt leave the house and de-realisation was really bad about a month ago - so I have made progress. I'm guess I'm just so scared of having this horrible feeling forever as it just wont go. Has anyone else felt like this? Its making me really irritable - I just want to be well again. :-(

01-08-09, 06:51
THANK U ITS NICE TO KNOW AM NOT ALONE! i have to work today and am shaking! i know at some point the head thing will come then its all down hill... i just wanna be normal do normal things ! i am seein a therapist at the min but nothing seems to help! pls pm me if u wanna talk xxxx

01-08-09, 08:17
hi i am new here been suffering from panics/ deppression for over 10 years now am 30 yearss old! when or will it ever end??? i cant sit still my mind races my head hurts!!!!! any one eles feel this way??? i have been on and off the medication i am currently having cbt for ocd... was put on prozac a few weeks back and it made me worse like 100 times worse so switched to citalopram 2 weeks ago started to feel a bit better but yesterday the panic started to creep in the restlesness is back and the tension headaches! is this all in my mind???? is there others out there who feel this way or am i just mad! all answers advice very welcome:)

panic attacks can also come on if you dont have time to unwind and relax
make sure you set time set to yourself, white beach chestnut natural herbal
drug that calms unwanted thoughts.
citalopram made me angry and stress out so dont think this drug is perfect if you already have panic attacks.
you should seek cbt treatment, also make sure you have someone in your life who understands and supports you.
dont make time lines on when you wish to get fully recovered as this may give you more headaches.
good luck x

01-08-09, 08:21
i do have cbt for ocd been at it for over a year... no one around me really understands think u have to experience it to truly understand am glad i found this site every one understands! x